The objective of this study is to find out if the merging of flipped classrooms with traditional classrooms would improve pupils' learning engagement in numeracy in basic schools.
The descriptive survey research approach was applied to seek the perception of 104 public and private basic school teachers and administrators in Nigeria. The questionnaire survey was used as an instrument for data collection, which was subjected to construct validity by three experts. The degree of trustworthiness was determined using split-half reliability techniques, and a reliability value of .79 was obtained. The collected data were analyzed using simple linear regression statistics.
The result shows that flipped classroom tends to improve pupils' learning engagement in numeracy in Nigeria. In addition, flipped classrooms in collaboration with the traditional classroom had the propensity to increase pupils' learning outcomes in numeracy in basic schools. Sequel to this finding, one would conceivably conclude that as pupils' learning engagement and interest in numeracy continue to decrease, the call for learning improvement among pupils will continue to dominate basic schools in Nigeria.
Basic education is the education given to children aged 0-15 years in Nigeria. It encompasses early child care and development education (aged 0-4 years and 10 years of formal schooling). One of the objectives of basic education in Nigeria is to ensure the acquisition of an appropriate level of literacy, communicative and life skills, ethical, moral, civic value, and numeracy needed for laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning. The purpose of basic education in Nigeria stood resolute, as teachers in the basic school would continue to diverse means to improve pupils' learning outcomes.
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- Timothy Okpeku (Author), Prof. Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere (Author), 2023, Merging Flipped Classroom with the Traditional Classroom to Improve Pupils’ Learning Engagement in Numeracy, Munich, GRIN Verlag,