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What is Statistik II Zusammenfassung about?
Statistik II Zusammenfassung is a summary of the Statistik II lecture held by Prof. Dr. Kuno Egle in the winter semester of 1994/95. It covers basic concepts, location and shape parameters, correlation, convolution, the central limit theorem, elements of parametric estimation and test theory.
What are the key topics covered in the Grundbegriffe (Basic Concepts) section?
The Grundbegriffe section covers topics such as probability spaces, probability measures, Dirac measures, Laplace's probability space, Poisson distribution, Geometric distribution, continuous probability measures on IR, Uniform distribution, Exponential distribution, Standard Normal Distribution, Normal Distribution, and Triangle distribution, subspace, product space, and image space.
What is discussed in the Lage- und Formparameter (Location and Shape Parameters) section?
The Lage- und Formparameter section discusses discrete and continuous distributions on IR and IRn, including arithmetic mean, expected value, quantiles, mode, variance, standard deviation, general moments, and examples of parametric distributions.
What are the key themes covered in the Korrelation, Faltung, zentraler Grenzwertsatz (Correlation, Convolution, Central Limit Theorem) section?
This section covers L2(IR,P), definitions, the Pythagorean theorem, Bienaymé's theorem, transfer to 2-dimensional random variables, Chebyshev's inequality, Convolution (definitions, application), sequences of distributions, and the Central Limit Theorem, strong law of large numbers.
What topics are included in the Elemente der parametrischen Schatz- und Testtheorie (Elements of Parametric Estimation and Test Theory) section?
This section covers parametric statistical structures, parametric distribution classes, statistics (definitions, completeness, sufficiency), Finster-Neymann factorization theorem, point estimation (estimators, Lehman-Schi ee UMVU estimators, mean squared error MQF, risk, construction methods), range estimation, and test theory.
Where can I find the original file of this summary?
The original Postscript file is located in the ~ul54 pub directory and can be copied and printed from there.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Michael Hildebrandt (Autor:in), 1999, Statistik II: Elementare Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.hausarbeiten.de/document/96421