This study is an evaluation of the institution for enhancing the services in the delivery in Higher Education Institution. This illustrates the re-entry plan of the institution as a proposal to have a clear connection to the necessary action to be made to have a successful implementation. The following steps are followed; First, completely acknowledges the existence of institutions, practices and implementation based on organizational structure, organizational culture and administrative processes in terms of Motivation, Leadership, Decision-Making, Communication and Organizational Change. Then, incorporate the in-class or out-of-class best practices and learning that is best to such challenges encountered during the assessment. Followed by specifying the elaboration of the integration of best practices and learning for implementation as plan and stipulating the process of embedding these plans based on the borders of authority on the various affected operations in the institution. Finally, explain in details the intended driving mechanism to ensure success; provide an initial assessment of the challenges as to its possible success; and recommend a clear manifestation of the action plan and its future implications.
This study is an evaluation of the institution for enhancing the services in the delivery in Higher Education Institution. This illustrates the re-entry plan of the institution as a proposal to have a clear connection to the necessary action to be made to have a successful implementation. The following steps are followed; First, completely acknowledges the existence of institutions, practices and implementation based on organizational structure, organizational culture and administrative processes in terms of Motivation, Leadership, Decision-Making, Communication and Organizational Change. Then, incorporate the in-class or out-of-class best practices and learning that is best to such challenges encountered during the assessment. Followed by specifying the elaboration of the integration of best practices and learning for implementation as plan and stipulating the process of embedding these plans based on the borders of authority on the various affected operations in the institution. Finally, explain in details the intended driving mechanism to ensure success; provide an initial assessment of the challenges as to its possible success; and recommend a clear manifestation of the action plan and its future implications.
An institution most especially in the education sector requires strategies and planning that can make the operations and outcomes to its best result. In-depth research, up to date diagnostic studies and well-rounded knowledge about the products and services should be strengthened to create useful educational policies that must be supported with a strong demonstration of leadership and systematic change (Asian Development Bank, 2010; FEMA, 2013; Linden & Lankinen, 2010). Thus, any application used to implement a change could only be in continuing assessment of the potential trends that are available and the best strategy is to be pro-active (Stevenson, 2010). Therefore, any plan, design, construction, operation and structure of an organization is the best and first to consider in the methods of implementing the change.
Experience and expertise of the administering concerns on the implementation are one of the greatest key indicators of its success. Understanding the importance comes with openness to the experience of the implementing concerns leads to organizational success (Mohan & Mulla, 2013; Naseem, Sheikh, & Malik, 2011). Such, it is very critical that an expert can deliver to an organizational success which includes both internal and external factors that an organization is being utilized (Ifinedo, n.d.). These two major requirements to an organizational success is the key factor indicator which can be maximized with its complementary characteristics as both used as hand-in-hand tool in the solution.
Learning about the organizational structure delivers awe-inspiring information mainly on models that has been used in different organizational background. It was said that the most challenging and crucial tasks in putting up an organization are the task of managing people, structure and processes (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, Jr., & Konopaske, 2012). Thus, the identification of the said structure based on the various contexts is calculated to ensure the ideal result of success upon implementation. This is mainly the organizational change mentioned in some exploration in the class and in the experiences outside the classroom.
This paper elaborated the revisited result of an assessment of the institution to develop a plan with specific strategies and application of the learning from the activity done in the course. The activity tends to engage the participants of the course in an organizational and administrative processes in educational context. As to an educational institutions function, namely instruction, research, community extension and production that regulating agencies like the Department of Education (DepED), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skill Development Authority (TESDA) tries to embody these general functions. These functions of education are challenged with the factors or indicators that has learned and observed as change is some outcomes of improvement and enhancement. The process that these functions are being analyzed with systematic recommendation as a result in a complete plan. The following steps are the following;
- Completely acknowledges the existence of institutions, practices and implementation based on the following indicators:
- Organizational Structure;
- Organizational Culture; and
- Administrative processes in terms of Motivation, Leadership, Decision-Making, Communication and Organizational Change.
- Incorporate the in-class or out-of-class best practices and learning that is best to such challenges encountered during the assessment.
- Specify the elaboration of the integration of best practices and learning for implementation as plan.
- Stipulate the process of embedding these plans based on the borders of authority on the various affected operations in the institution.
- Explain in details the intended driving mechanism to ensure success.
- Provide an initial assessment of the challenges as to its possible success.
- Recommend a clear manifestation of the action plan and its future implications.
This report is an academic exercise used to address challenges through experienced-based evaluation as part of the organization in the UM Digos College (UMDC) as the direct beneficiary which the actual implementation takes place. Though, continuous success and improvements to the institution continually moving-up in accordance to dreams that envision by the top-management. To the stakeholders of the institution, putting this together is an opportunity that much appreciated. Focusing more on one specific aspect of the organization's operations, which also important creates a nonconforming to the purpose of the institution. Timely in the sense that collective evaluation and qualitative result of this re-entry plan is the basis of the management to consider some strategies that is new and proactive considering everybody benefits.
UM Digos College (UMDC) as the oldest branch was crafted in many different name providing educational services for seventy (70) years. Originally the institution offers only academic secondary education or high school in an old campus besides Digos River. Thus, it has begun to grow by proving additional programs that are best for the community. Now the institution continuously improves its academic services providing programs that promote excellence as the key core values of UMDC. Gradual change and improvements that involve failures is very common, especially in the sense of dropping enrollment which completely diverted to opportunity. At present, significant and more appealing programs are offered with accreditations and certifications.
The institution is an educational organization of its nature of process experienced different leaders and different approaches of use which stand its strong for many years. Increase of human involvement in the processes as expected is also will increase the challenges that will also result to unproductive scenario. Although, big change is very visible compared to UMDC ten (10) to fifteen (15) years backward. During this time, which considered to be long enough to realized and developed organizational processes. Although, assuming the existence and life experiences of UMDC is not the focus of this paper, but to identify challenges that may help more the institution to improve.
The intension of this report is to experience the real documentation aspect on all established processes of an organization. This mainly on the organization that provides services in terms of education. As mentioned the functions and its details of the four (4) functions of education in the context of instruction, research, community extension and production is likely to have a sufficient and concrete result to clearly stipulate the necessary commendation and essential information about the plan. Thus, it is very challenging that the production function is not yet being materialized and considered as part of the institutions’ additional office to develop or if it is silent or unknowingly present is to enhance to be an additional strength of the institution.
Though the structure is the major indicator of organization success that resulted no smooth and harmonious operations and relationships respectively, a philosophical representation that understands and consensually define the purpose is first to consider. There are tangible policies and standards based on organization purposes which creates fixed results and secure process of decision-making. The Quality Policy and Objectives (QPO) is the commitment of the entire UM family, which UMDC adopted this policy and objectives. The main purpose of this committee is to clearly document in blue-print the understanding of the people involved in the operation.
The manifestation of standard in place is reflected in the vision of the institution in terms on outcomes for the client, driving-force for the employee and the satisfaction of the stakeholders. As to the well-known description of a leader, which associated with a visionary characteristic that brings the team to one and true direction of success. The Vision, Mission and Goals (VMG) of UMDC clearly indicate the direction of the institution and the employee’s contribution to the organizational accomplishment.
Based on the VMG of UMDC upon analyzing the statements relating to the present students’ outcomes and graduate’s outcomes the strong and clear core values that a person embody is identified. These core values are enumerated with clear understanding and claim its existence.
Excellence is our way of demonstrating our skills and abilities to its optimum level. We see obstacles as opportunities for learning and commit to reach our individual aspirations in becoming excellent in our respective fields.
Leadership is our constant goal of becoming self-reliant, trustworthy and determined in facing various issues and adversities. We intend to act proactively as leaders and as role models to others while achieving our collective goals.
Honesty and Integrity are our policies in behaving and in dealing with others. We commit to be always honest and truthful in all endeavors that we do.
Resilience is our innate ability to bounce back in the midst of difficulties and challenges. We endeavor to reach our dreams by enacting our personal values, efficacy and energy in the right fashion.
Professionalism is one way of life. We uphold the standards and morals of our profession at all times and exhibit dedication and responsibility in all circumstances.
The organizational chart of UMDC shown in the image above used in both operational and functional lines of channeling for approval and requests. The characteristics of the organizational chart in terms of structure shows a bureaucratic way of management which is visible on the arrangement of the position where the position that has the highest power placed at the top and the position or entity is placed at the bottom of the chart. The involvement of spiritual encounter as one of the best practices of the institution performs moral leadership as one strategy in management. At all times purpose, beliefs, morally and ethically right decisions are always the consideration.
The organizational chart signifies a channel that separates the tasks and expertise of every entity to develop a culture of harmony work experience and focuses on the designated position to master the operation and provide improvement based on an urgent solution to have an impact not only to win but also to everyone.
In motivating the employee which one of the best strategy is to plan-out best monetary benefits as this indicator affects greater motivation. The institution cares enough to evaluate the and listened to the suggestion of changing the mechanism on salary most specially Frontlines. Others tend to stay as to protect the security of tenured stops and no chance of claiming privileges and benefits.
Concerning on the leadership that the institution is patronizing and recommended is the leader that can persuade and implement with no question and strong deliberation to challenge any direction from the top management. The institution is lead using moral leadership that is parallel to the characteristics of the present leader and a substantial portion of guarding and protecting the post for self-interest that tends to cling on the people that might make or break the opportunity. Though, it is somewhat effective in some way most especially to the top management that the concern is productivity and output.
The leader of the institution believes that everything is possible, even in making everybody happy and satisfy with the decision and solutions presented. This is a positive characteristic as leader, but every human being in this world is born unique that there is always a possibility of challenging decisions and solutions presented. Also, a garbage can model is used as one strategy in deciding in UMDC. There are no clear directions on one task, do it your way of instruction as expected, but when it fails a possibility of changing and putting blame is the scenario at the end.
The organization chart has a clear line of communication that is categorized by different lines of expertise and specialization. Though it is somewhat perfect, communication fails. The assignment and clear or neglect of job description has been always or what is culture in UMDC. Because there is false hero that rule the institution with or without the true hero, employee believes that the false hero must be feared and anything that is said and suggested are all to be followed and correct with no deliberation.
This is all, the present situation of the institution which the author's experience and observed. There are claims that are based on the observation and confirmation with a co-employee and co-administrators. There is also a situation that is solely experienced and faced through challenging and questioning the effectiveness of the strategy. This report provides a single and simple solution to the challenges based on the learnings acquired inside and outside the classroom on organizing and administering educational institutions putting the Ignatian characteristics as the basis of suggestion and recommendation.
Change in the organization can be persuaded and push through intensive investigation with solid results. These two indicators of organizational success are being presented in this paper as part of the suggestive recommendation to the administration of UMDC to start organizational change with proper assessment and approval of the action plan being stipulated in the results. Though change is a challenging statement that can make the organization shake heads and think twice when the solution is not favorable with the intention in mind. Though this paper tries to impart a solution that can prove that basic meaning of equality is being promoted and used in the analysis of the results and with justification on the various recommendations.
Education. According to Yero (2002) there are conflicting definition of the meaning of education. It is defined to be in general the process of educating or teaching which leads to a single phrase to develop the knowledge. Thus, complications on the definition according to some theorists that their distinct characterization between the purpose of education and the function of education. Though the purpose is the fundamental goal of the process and the major end to be achieved. Functions are other outcomes that may occur as a natural result of the process by which products or significances of schooling (Yero, 2002). Therefore, education should be defined on its purpose and function.
Organization . The term belongs to the category of expressions about which there is maintained an air of informed vagueness, certain special conventions exist that focus its use, with qualifications, on a delimited set of phenomena. So, the organization applies correctly to stable associations of persons engaged in concerted activities directed to the attainment of specific objectives (Bittner, 1965). Therefore, an organization is composed of peoples’ involvement with specific activities in obtaining one major specific goal.
Instruction. The imparting of knowledge, development of skills and attitudes, and meetings of special needs in numerous ways ranging from structured to individualized activities, including instructional support activities which aid and enrich the teaching-learning process is one definition of instruction (University of Wisconsin, 2017). Thus, in the academic institution, it is the ways of preparation, evaluation, support and assessment through the vision and mission that stated upon the organizational directions.
Research . A set of activities that support institutional planning, policy development, and decision making that includes evaluation, strategic planning, budget analysis, enrollment management and research studies (Alford, 2011). Updated outputs in this function of education are very critical and timely to address for organizational support and continuing growth as a business.
Community Extension . Community involvement is a crucial process for any community, regardless of size or location that with continuing globalization has an impact communities through a new era provides the best fit affects. Community involvement, when implemented correctly, has the potential to help communities not only remain competitive but, more importantly, adapt to a very complex and dynamic situation (Gallardo, 2015). It is crucially nor important because of its programs to be implemented provides great impact to the community for its sustainability and improvement of the people in the community.
Production . This function of an academic institution is widely known in the state universities as to mandated by the government to have a sustainability schema in terms on financial aspects. This function is the potential method to be used as a source of sustainability and support to the institutional operations and expenses in the future (Monk, 1989).
Best Practices. The act of an institution to provide sustainable processes that leads to the organization outstanding with other education services provider. The act which is applicable to incorporate into the existing process to address a prevailing problem as one solution to the challenges experienced to solidify and provide improvement to UMDC.
This part of the paper presented the results and analysis in a process that is simple and easy to understand technique to give emphasis on the four (4) major functions of an educational institution namely instruction, research, community extension and production. Each function categorized and presented in manner of providing the challenges in organizational structure, culture and administrative processes. In detail the administrative processes are also provided in five distinctive characteristics which are Motivation, Leadership, Decision-Making, Communication and Organizational Change. After the challenges have presented a possible solution is elaborately explain to its best characteristics based on the learnings acquired from the class and an observable best practice from other institutions. A concrete plan after providing the solution is exhibited to ensure the success of the change with specific strategies to be utilized.
Instruction is the heart of the entire business operation of every educational institution. This serves as the main menu in the restaurant, the finished product in a manufacturing company and the performance of janitors in a service provider business. Though it is different in nature, the purpose is all the same to provide quality that an organization can serve that can satisfy customer. In an education institution, the quality of instruction that can deliver the need of the community is the main objective, if the organization's vision focus on societal impact rather than organizational impact in the improvement. Therefore, a strong and stable operation in instruction is a non-negotiable aspect in terms of quality.
Presenting the experiences and observable results based on UMDC context is the arguments in this part with critical analysis based on readings, learnings and school-based (inside and outside campus) activities are the supplemental support in all recommendations, suggestions and action plan.
The instruction is the most complex in terms of management in an educational organization. The complexity of human that are involved based on teacher-student relationship in the class is vague to understand and manage. Monitoring by setting-up mechanism that monitors regularly is one of the recommended strategy. The challenge now is the implementation of UMDC of instruction structure that in terms of job specification a job enrichment is used. The appointment of a head, coordinator or even the dean is being designated to the faculty member of the college, department, office or program. Understands that a college, department, office or program can be defined differently when quantity is to consider. Consider the figure below, which is the representation of job specification in UMDC.
Eliminating the issue on the quantity that is directly significant to the financial aspect of the organization, the posts that are stipulated in the figure in different departments has the same amount of workload. Conclusively, this scenario creates significant impact to personal concern.
The figure shows that there is inconsistency in ruling on the delegation of position that resulted in different value on the salary and everything follows. In the figure, also very visible that in terms of responsibility there is no difference which resulted to the same workload. There is no issue with the number of students because a big or small amount of population managing is constant and flexible. Though it shows that the scheme on salary is not also standard, which is also inconsistent in the manner of educational qualification. This scenario creates a culture of inequality among colleagues. In terms of general thinking of superiority amongst department is very prevailing. There is always a priority amongst departments because not only of population issue, but also in terms of knowledge and skills capability of a department. This creates a feeling of no right to say, suggest and act as to there are most qualified to do such thing more accurately.
Administrative Process
The challenges on motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication and organizational change are given emphasis with concrete representation of various situations observed.
Motivation. The post about being an admin in a department is a challenging one. Most specially that experiencing both being faculty and a head is not an easy task. The issue is that there is no proper search and selection in place that creates inconsistency in the delegation of the positions.
Leadership. The heads are selected by appointment therefore it is expected that the identified person is assumed to be equipped and there is no need be developed. Taking the initiative to act as leader is an issue to the appointed personnel because at the first place the delegation was no basis and the trust is lost at the moment the head is appointed.
Decision-making. In connection with the leadership issue which is connected to decision-making a manifestation of inshore action on any task given because the first thing to do is to create the working environment understand the purpose of the head instead of directly into the task. The end of this is to do the task and present to the body to decide.
Communication. The communication lines between the connection to the top-management and to the member of the department, which is the appointed head sometimes not recognized most especially for the members of the department that are more experience or has stayed longer in the department. Tends to directly communicate with heads that is more appealing and qualified than the head of the department.
Organizational Change. In administering the change based on the strategy of the leader an issue of resistance is present that is very common because of human instinct. This happens because of no participatory or lack of consultative process happen because of unwillingly acceptance of the processes in place.
The illustration has been removed for copyright reasons.
The figure above illustrates the present organizational representation. Though organized in some way, but there are hidden processes and interest that are being represented with distinct colors. The blue is for academics, the yellow is for the admin and for the head of the school is redder. The arrow is also the direction of the processes. Observed the overlap of the red representation that is associated with arrow pointing downwards, this means that the admin side is taking the advantage of making the rules because some employee has served the institution longer that is observed in the positioning of the admin head and the college dean.
The institution has a solid foundation and with stable organizational structure. The population of the institution in terms of students and program offering makes it stable, which proper compensation and qualified faculty. The organizational structure is in place and implemented with sufficient employee to fill-in. The major challenge in terms of the instruction is the processes of selecting a qualified head to really gain the trust and confidence within the organization. This can only address by ensuring a qualified head in the process of manhunt, nomination, evaluation and proper proclamation. This recommendation is the best solution to the prevailing problem on the five processes mentioned in this paper.
There are many ways to make the employee of an organization special or important by putting a standard, fair and open communication way of delegation and assignment. Considering that the institution an educational organization that assessment and evaluation are the critical aspect of being a teacher. The result of this action is very timely and necessary because without proper process is neglecting the right of openness to employee, ignoring the use of justice and the disregarding opportunity of healthy competition in finding the best. Recruitment and selection practices affect employee morale and ultimately the effectiveness of a department that a need of putting mechanism is the solution, ensuring a thorough understanding and develop a context specific improvement strategies (Public Service Commision, 2015). Also, it’s a strong recommendation for recruitment and selection process to be effective, it should be consistent with an established standard, fair, transparent, and ensures that the best is being selected (Mustapha, Ilesanmi, & Aremu, 2013). Thus, at the time a policy or standard in the process of selecting to designate in a specific post a trust and confidence on the organization will not be an issue anymore because one research tells that selection decisions are more equitable when they are not the product of a particular individual (Thomas, Poterfield, Hutcheson, & Pierannunzi, 1994). It is being researched that the selection process in leading an educational institution is critical because the expected qualities that are required to be a leader is high (Mulford, 2003). Thus, even in the Philippine context the agency that holds the area of selection for government employee are being challenged on this operation because of the expanded powers of the elected government officials (de Leon, 1995-2001). Also, in the Philippine Government selection of teachers provides planning and policies that recognize the applicants worth, suitability and equal opportunity to be selected because employee to be selected should have the highest standards of professionalism characterized by competence, excellence, discipline, global competitiveness and conscience (Department of Science and Technology, n.d.; DEPED ORDER No. 66, s. 2007, 2007).
The best in the Ateneo de Davao University is that, the designation of any position is guided by a policy which started by selecting the qualified member of the school then the qualified should be nominated or sponsored by a member. On time that the nominees are posted thorough evaluation are being encountered by the nominees with the protracted process of deliberation. Thus, this is not the solution to follow the process of others, but observe that the operation that the institution used is highly commendable and one of best practices that can be duplicated in UMDC. Therefore, revisiting on the process or method of selecting a qualified employee to be designated to any vacant position is the major recommendation of this paper in the context of instruction as one main function of education institution.
Action Plan
The action plan is the proposed implementation strategy to address the challenges encountered in this evaluation of the organizational structure in terms of organizing and managing operations. The action plan that is presented in this paper used creative style of leadership that uniquely can inspire people and generate shared innovative responses and solutions. The crafting of the action plan, balanced theory (Heider & Newcomb, 1946) will be considered as the basis in the decision-making because of its humanistic characteristics. The theory is used in the strategy of public school in Hartford in the reformation of the governance linked to the organizational structure of an all-choice system of schools that a balanced theory of action will advantage the strengths and minimize the weaknesses in defining relationships to address the problem (Tavera, 2011-2016).
The action plan is to be implemented following the framework shown in the figure below that consist of writing/Editing, presentation, finalization, approval, publication and evaluation.
An action plan must be presented in a way that persons involved can understand and comprehend so that it can be easily captured the suggestion and recommendation for modification. The action plan for the instruction area of the evaluation of the institution is presented below. Considering that the challenges mentioned are already recognized by then and being deliberated that it is necessary to be implemented. Also, the committee to be in-charge is formed and ready for the project to start.
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The purpose of research in the field of education as part of the organization is very significant. The importance is being neglected or put into second priority where it should be the tool for success, improvement, specifying the need to enhance, develop in all aspects, a possible source of financial support, and many more. The paper evaluated and formulate a possible plan to make research as the function of the educational institution as significantly together with the main service that is typically focused on.
The same as detail as instructed, the presentation and the source of this argument following the steps applied to previous discussions. Typically putting the research aside is the scenario in an institution most especially in schools that finances are limited. In UMDC, last year only that the start of major reformation in the office. There is a possibility that because of the new direction that made a significant impact to the office, the results are minimal and lighter to manage in the solution process.
The Research and Publication Center (RPC) as part of the organizational chart is an independent office align with the offices that is directly reporting to the branch director. It means it has the same authority to the Dean of college which is not implemented. The decision of the RPC is limited to facilitating the research on the undergrad and the institutional research. Merely coordination is the major function of the in-charge along with the bulk amount of work loads. The office of the research has its own organizational chart, and it is followed in the making decisions and some documentation requirements. This is called in UMD as the functional chart.
It is being branded in all institutions in higher education that research office is an area of the moneymaking opportunity in less effort in a small span of type. This is even the rumors in the institution before after it was replaced with a dynamic and qualified research coordinator. The coordinator itself describes the inconsistency of the chart implemented and shown in the institution. Because the authority that is given to the in-charge, plans of the research coordinator, though it is a good, considers opportunities, doable and timely still no room for implementation because basically it is given the notion of a second-class office.
Administrative Processes
The challenges on motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication and organizational change are given emphasis with concrete representation of various situations observed.
Leadership. The leadership characteristics of the designated research coordinator are one of the best qualities of a leader and the attitude of a good leader that is best in the office is dominant. Good motivator in terms of productivity, one of the best statisticians, researcher and most specially love of work is an innate characteristic that even providing training for free just to cope-up with the timeline is also one quality of the new research coordinator. Though it is almost perfect, these qualities of a leader, which is called transformative leadership is insignificant because of various the limited authority and lack or even sometimes neglect of support.
Motivation . The office has a huge opportunity to prosper and can stand-alone with sustainable resources that can provide compensation satisfaction to the staffs. Thus, lack of support and unrecognized efforts in the work and output of the office. The loss of motivational traits on the staff is the result considering all the efforts in planning and aligning the operations of the office to make it stand.
Decision-making . Significantly the decision is also affected by the limitation of authority and not following the line of channeling between offices. Still the decision that is to be designated by the head of the office is in the hand of the people that has something to say with no specific connection to the office.
Communication . There are two conflicting ideas that are prevailing and this is about the communication because of the centralization of functions in the RPC. The research coordinator is required to inform and coordinate in two offices. The first is in the office of the director which is the direct supervisor of the designated research coordinator. For the purpose of centralization, the designated research coordinator is required to coordinate in the main campus RPC.
Organizational Change . In implementing the change, the proposal and the direction of the head of the officer whom to be the experts and solely knows the operations in the office is being challenged with staffs that has no direct connection to the office. The change that is being crafted and studied well just to provide organizational change in the office are being challenged all the time and the worst is the unrecognized importance of this wonderful idea.
The research office gives independence in terms of managing and improving to the experts. This is very critical of the direction of the office when a qualified and competitive head is being ruled by personnel that the idea of research is for a compliance purposes only. Mostly unacceptable when the importance of the operations inside the office is unrecognized. Most likely the function of the research office in the success of the organization is being set aside, big opportunities on the employee & students' development and possible failure of a specific program to be implemented is recognized and prevented, respectively.
There are two best recommendation that can address this inconsistency and challenges. First is a massive with constant follow-up on the awareness of the wide range of purpose of research to the educational organization specifying the task, responsibility, coverage, possibilities and importance of research as a supportive tool for enhancement and prevention. The second recommendation and the most important is the strategy of providing full support to the future plans of the office. A non-stop support if possible, but with proper monitoring and gradual evolution of the programs implemented by the office. With this change of the strategy the challenges that have identified will gradually convert into opportunities.
An educational research is very important because it covers all the necessary improvements in an institutional capability. It is not that clear, sometimes that in an institution, there are queries that cannot be answered only by books and some basis of experiences of others. This is very possible to have a real research in a real setting in the locality of the situation. The best practice of others may not be applicable to the institution, therefore it must be implemented in a researched-based inquiry and this can only be done through educational research. According to well-known researcher that a research is important for three (3) reasons. First a research can add to knowledge which is important to the learning of the students and faculty. Secondly, is that, research can improve practices in terms of teaching or even in the operations inside the institution. Lastly, research can inform policy, nor improve them through proper analysis of data and finding the central tendency of a situation that best describe for proper decision making and actions (Creswell, 2012).
The picture above illustrates the coverage of research as its function in the academic institution. The blue shaded part is the area covered the adding of knowledge. The green shaded part where the role of research as to improve the practices. Finally, the yellow shaded part illustrates the improvement of a policy between the agency affected by the research output. Therefore, it is very strategic to provide an improvement in the operations and change the culture that is observable in the research and publication office.
Action Plan
The direction of the management on this matter is not also as easy as what is expected. There are considerations to think about in many ways. Providing and allotting support in terms of financial aspect is not a decision that can be made overnight. It should be evaluated and validated with an output and return of investment at what they call in the business perspective of the top management. There should be a collaboration of the office and the experts on financial budgeting to balance the two-conflicting idea of improvement and income. Together in time both separate in nature offices can be partners in predicting possible income of the organization using real-time data processed into a researched-based business strategies.
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The function of community extension as part of an educational institution with the same level in the organizational chart. The authority and the line of communication from the department in the office of the head of the school has a clear direct connection. In parallel view, it is manifest that the instruction, research and community extension have equal authority that has a great impact to the educational institution. The major function of the community extension is mainly the opportunity of the institution in connection with the community. There are many different functions that a community extension expands the opportunity in many aspects that an institution can benefit.
The same as detail as instruction and research, the presentation and the source of this argument following the steps applied to previous discussions. Typically putting the research aside is the scenario in an institution most especially in schools that finances are limited. The challenges in the community extension are the sustainable project to be implemented in an adopted barangay or community. Typically, it is very easy to put-up a program in a community. The usual programs that are easily implemented are some doll-out program. The challenge is always an activity that is sustainable that can be called a project.
The structure is illustrating a wide-range of description that the community extension requires a great responsibility without any intervention from every department in the instruction part. Though, in the real set-up at the institution as of now that is not what is happening. The department makes the initiative in making programs and project that makes the idea conflicting to the illustration from the organizational chart. The chart ideally makes the entire operations of the institution in harmony with the operations that make a way to create a much greater impact to the tasks delegated to the in-charge. Lastly the community extension has its own structure and it is used as the functional chart.
The community extension office of UMDC is quite sometimes already. The office serves as the point of coordinating office between the community and the department of the institution. Each has specific has a specific concentration based on the thrust of the department. The program that must be implemented is aligned with the with the respective objectives that is being set as the concentration is developed. Each concentration of the department id called banner program. The challenge now is that each has different request of the program so it means it has also different budget on every program. It is a banner program that only utilized by one department. In the long run, the only implementation is a program that cannot sustain because the programs have no specific commitment just align with the line of expertise which is bounded and limited.
Administrative Processes
The challenges on motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication and organizational change are given emphasis with concrete representation of various situations observed.
Leadership The leadership that is observable in the office of community extension is a management that only waits for the department to develop and leave to the coordinating in-charge of each department. The coordinator of the office is required to have an annual operational plan, does it is also from the plan of each department. The office is the end point of all the necessary plans and strategies to meet the specific objective that the office is envisioning.
Motivation . The banner of each program has designated community extension in-charge that takes care of the program of the department. Though it is a requirement for each of the department to have this kind of activity, the coordinator makes sure that there are reminders and monitoring of the programs. The sad thing is that the coordinator only has a monetary equivalent in the structure while the in-charge are just appointed by the head to be part of the team as a requirement. Therefore, the in-charge, though doing the best as part of the responsibility and as a faculty creates a minimal interest to think about a better program rather than make an activity out of requirements and convenience.
Decision-making . The decision of the coordinator is also based on the approval and the recommendation of the head on each department. Because the program initiatives are from the department the coordinator is just a signatory to the proposal drafted by the in-charge. The coordinator facilitates but also with the help of the in-charge and documents the entire activity. Thus, the office is running for quite sometimes it is being mastered by the coordinator to make the operations effectively.
Communication . Communications among in-charge are one of the biggest challenged in the office. Though the office has a functional chart, it is still an irregularity on the assignment and program designation. Though each documentations and proof of the community extension programs are done yearly still during accreditation there are some files or it has challenging time in collating and compiling some documents. The problem is that no specific standard for compilation and flow of implementation. A proposal is being drafted and approved, but at the time of implementation the process is not being followed.
Organizational Change . The community extension of the present method and structural capability there is no chance that the coordinator can implement a change without changing the prevailing operations in the office. The best way to do a change in the office to create a new and a concrete managing strategy to make the operations function. A complete manifestation of no change can be implemented if the decision, drafting proposal, initiatives and plans are being assigned to each department. Bombarded workloads are assigned to the in-charge whom to have a responsibility as a member of the faculty.
Evidence that the community extension office is being created on a general observation for the purpose of requirements. Requirements as mandated by the authorities and to create an image of the institution that also there are concerned and it is really the vision of the school to help. This is completely mediocre to what is the true meaning of an extension. Others would say outreach which the activity and other programs that has implemented gives no impact on the community. No proof of improving the life of the adopted community, thus a behavior of being dependent on the programs that the community can benefit is being molded. It is clever enough for the head of the office to consider a revisiting activity to strategized the one purpose of what is the true objectives of the office.
These initiatives are being for the reason of trying to improve and make the institution more confident that the programs of the institution in line with the complete support of everybody that dreamt of keeping the community more productive and independent in keeping the program stable and sustainable. The purpose and recommendation is to keep the office in control and being sustainable in all the activities and programs to implement. The best way to do this is to develop a strategic plan which is completely to provide a better program in the community in a specific span of time so that after the implementation the community can stand on its own. Also, a systematic monitoring and updating is best method to incorporate. Lastly, combinations of departments is also strategic that each expertise is being showcased thus a department may chair the program which best for, the expertise of the said department then supported by a department that can supplement some expertise. The best practice of Ateneo de Davao University in the University Commission on Engagement and Advocacy Council as the Community Extension office implements a strategy that makes the office independent and sustainable. The proofs of this success are the overwhelming support of the university by providing the office a budget of four (4) million pesos as the operational budget annually.
Action Plan
The plan that is best for the community extension starts by providing an awareness to the people in-charge with the coordinator in aligning the work that must be accomplished. This by strategizing the best interest of the community based on the assessment that takes place before any plan is drafted. On this process, insuring that the strategy for three (3) years is aligned with the community needs and by these insuring success is only the option at the end. Complete revisiting of the operations and objectives of the office is also very significant so that all the banner programs are deeply elaborated and can make the entire planning into a transparent and documented solution.
Solutions are the only answer that is written on a piece of paper as a document. The continual monitoring and assessment should be sustainable. The support of everybody is the key to the success of any programs and activity. The most important thing to consider is the support of the top management. Any plan that also cannot be supported in the most little way is also a document that only been retrieved in time of accreditation and inspection for compliance. Working together is the best help of everybody. Students, faculty, staff and all the concerns on the improvement of the office is requested to exert effort to accomplish a sustainable and progressive life of the community who believes that education is the best way to help the poor in the present situation.
This part of the paper makes more challenging that what is being set in the structure. Basically, this function of educational institution made me realized that an institution has the option to make it more progressive and independent in terms of producing something that makes it sustainable. The best about this function is to utilize the skills and potentials of the output of the students in terms of making some viable products. The three functions of education which is the instruction, research and community extension can utilize the function.
In the part of instruction, a part of providing learnings to the students it will be possible to make the output of the students in a package that can be appealing to the community. One best example is the output of the preserved foods that the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) that is best for packaging and a simple business opportunity. This can be best for further research and this can be a great opportunity for the school.
The research is also a potential part of this production. Lots of opportunities that research can provide which this can be placed at the source of valid data and more specifically in the field of business that almost all of the companies in the community requires financial statements and feasibility study. The placing of the best structure and to create an office is significant because of the impact of these not only to the community but also to the school.
More importantly, the office community extension that can make this possible. The moment that this part of the institution will be visualized it could not only widen the horizon of the school, but also it can provide aid to the faculty, staff and students make some money while in school and while working at the same time. The community extension can facilitate a potential project in line with this to collaborate with the adopted community for massive production or even a marketing community that can provide connection or channel of potential business opportunity or clients.
Subsequently, it is clear enough that the production function is not visible or even trying to elaborate in the structure. The best way for these is to place all these on the part of challenges. The best implementation of these is the institution that has been presented in the class about explaining the different schools as part of the presentation of each classmate. One student presented the school that provides more than what are, the school is gaining from the students’ tuition fee is the income that are producing of the productive part of the institution. Clear enough that a placement of such office to the UMDC also challenges the forth part of the function of an educational institution.
Though clear enough that it is very timely and rightful to recommend that the function should be developed into an office. Typically, it is being studied and place into consideration that it is still not a mandate and there are many important matters that an institution will focus on. But for a start it is best that this could be implemented. A proposal can be a simple way of informing the top-management that this is the future and before the future come it is best that it should be implemented along with a suggestive strategy.
The best of this is that this could not only be a part of the branch but this is a legacy also of the first institution of the UM family that UMDC makes the initiative to have this possibility. Though, it has been started in the main it is also being best to completely manifest a culture of giving that the proposal that has been crafted will be shared to the entire UM community.
Action Plan
The simplest way to come-up with an action plan is to have a concept of ideas and the framework of implementation. It is being said that all that is planned well will result well. With the help of the authority, top-management and the admin it could make this newest operation of education to focus on.
A true leader is said to be rebirth again according to the book of which enlighten the mind and heart of a neophyte in terms of administering. The key for a leader to become the best of his craft is to keep in mind that everything has its purpose and ultimately becoming the best of it is to be true to yourself. Every human being has its own strength and weaknesses. Thus, opportunity comes with the best that reflection. According to Lowney, to have humility with a true purpose of being a leader the characteristics of should come from a self-awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism (Lowney, 2003). This is very easy to say, but the truth is its hardest part to become.
The main idea to be an administrator at an educational institution is to have patient and try to make everything simple. Simple that makes the subordinates feel that it has orderliness. The more it is being felt that the situation is being pushed too much it can create a stress. Moreover, it should be the best of what you have with the participation of the team. In reality, the theory becomes the basis, but truly no perfect formula to become leader. Sometimes it can be exciting, but nevertheless it could be cruel sometimes.
My reflection with myself is that, I have a participative leadership. I want my subordinates to be involved in the decision making. Though it is very complicated, I just want to make sure that the decision and directions that I want to happen is in-line with what we believe in as a team. No wonder I have been questioned with my capability because it is clear enough that soon in my career there are many things I could do. For this magnificent experience that I have, it is one of a kind learning that even in my wildest dream I never thought of having. Truly, I have changed a lot for the better. I don’t know it because of the institution that I am in or the people that are with me through this journey.
As to the best conclusion to this paper, the institution whom to be UMDC which I am now the better is coming or the change is coming according to President Rodrigo Duterte. The change that might help the institution more productive and more appealing to the community. The recommendation of this paper can be used as the basis of my learning, but not only that, but also the learning towards the institution. Applying the best to the best I know which are the experiences that I have with UMDC is also a part of my journey to be appreciated.
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Frequently asked questions
What is the main purpose of this document?
This document is an evaluation of an educational institution to enhance its services, particularly within a Higher Education Institution. It illustrates the re-entry plan of the institution as a proposal to have a clear connection to the necessary action to be made to have a successful implementation.
What are the key functions of an educational institution discussed in this document?
The four major functions of an educational institution discussed are: Instruction, Research, Community Extension, and Production.
What are the administrative processes considered in the assessment?
The administrative processes considered in the assessment are: Motivation, Leadership, Decision-Making, Communication, and Organizational Change.
What is the significance and locale of this report?
This report is an academic exercise to address challenges through experience-based evaluation as part of the organization in UM Digos College (UMDC), focusing on continuous success and improvements within the institution.
What core values are identified in UM Digos College (UMDC)?
The identified core values are: Excellence, Leadership, Honesty and Integrity, Resilience, and Professionalism.
What are the challenges identified concerning the 'Instruction' function?
Challenges related to instruction include structural issues in job specification, cultural issues regarding perceived inequality among departments, and administrative process challenges in motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication, and organizational change.
What are the challenges identified concerning the 'Research' function?
Challenges include the Research and Publication Center (RPC) having limited authority and influence despite being a supposedly independent office, a culture that may undervalue research, and difficulties in motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication, and implementing organizational change within the research context.
What are the challenges identified concerning the 'Community Extension' function?
Challenges include the lack of sustainable projects, departments making programs instead of an independent office doing so, and the office being used for requirements' sake without making real change in the community.
What is the 'Production' function, and why is it important?
The 'Production' function refers to utilizing the skills and potentials of students to create viable products. It's important because it provides sustainability and utilizes students' talents, and to connect with community extension.
What recommendations are given for improving the identified challenges?
Recommendations include ensuring a thorough process for selecting qualified heads of departments, promoting awareness of the purpose of research, providing full support to the research office, developing sustainable community projects, and promoting a collaborative environment.
What is the proposed action plan structure?
The action plan structure includes writing/editing, presentation, finalization, approval, publication, and evaluation stages.
What institutions are referenced in the paper?
The institutions referenced include the UM Digos College (UMDC), Ateneo de Davao University, DepED, CHED, and TESDA, as well as many sources from academia.
What is the 'Balance Theory'?
Balance Theory says that when the cognitive elements exist in harmony the individual experiences pleasantness or stability. However, when cognitive elements are inconsistent, the individual experiences unpleasantness or instability.
- Quote paper
- Dr. Noel Sobejana (Author), 2017, A Re-Entry Plan for UM Digos College (UMDC), Munich, GRIN Verlag,