Land degradation can be considered in terms of the loss of actual or potential productivity or utility as a result of natural or human factors; it is the decline in land quality or reduction in its productivity. It causes running down of soil organic matter and available water for crop growth. Consequently, implementation of soil and water conservation especially level soil bund is supposed to alleviate the impacts of soil erosion and increase agricultural land production and crop productivity. Based on that the effects of level soil bund was evaluated by conducting on-farm study during the cropping season of 2019 in Eba wakeyo kebele, Nejo District, Western Wollega of Oromia Regional State with the objective of evaluating level soil bund on teff productivity and soil properties. The study involves two factor: level soil bund (with and without) was a main plot and the ages of level soil bund was taken as the sub-plots. The treatment (T1=with bund of six year splited in to 7, T= with bund of 4 year splited in to 7, T3= with bund of 2 year splited in to 7and T4= without splited in to 7) with randomized complete block design. The data was analyzed using general linear model procedures and to separate difference between mean LSD (5%) was used. The level soil bund increased the mean value of soil moisture contents at 0-30 cm and 0-60 cm soil depth, the teff (Eragrostis tef) grain yield increased by 22.85% when compared with controlled block and the teff biomass increased by 24.32%. As the wall, it is concluded that level soil bund improves soil fertility, soil moisture status and teff (Eragrostis tef) grain yield and yield components.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Background and Justification
- Statement of the Problem
- Objective of the Study
- Materials and Methods
- Description of the Study Site
- Treatments and Experimental Design
- Soil Sampling and Analysis
- Monitoring Soil Chemical Properties and Physical Properties
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of level soil bunds on teff productivity and soil properties in Nejo District, Ethiopia. The research focused on understanding how different ages of level soil bunds influenced crop yield, soil moisture content, and various soil chemical and physical properties.
- Assessing the effectiveness of level soil bunds in improving teff crop yield and yield components.
- Analyzing the effects of level soil bunds on soil chemical properties, including organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and pH.
- Evaluating the impact of level soil bunds on selected soil physical properties, such as soil moisture content and texture.
- Understanding the long-term effects of level soil bunds on teff productivity and soil health.
- Providing evidence-based recommendations for improving soil and water conservation practices in the study area.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction section provides a detailed background on land degradation, its impact on Ethiopia's economy, and the importance of soil and water conservation measures. It highlights the specific problem of soil erosion in the study area and explains the need for research to assess the effectiveness of level soil bunds in improving soil properties and enhancing crop productivity. The materials and methods section describes the study site, experimental design, treatment protocols, and soil sampling and analysis techniques used in the research.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The research focuses on land degradation, soil erosion, level soil bunds, soil properties, and teff productivity. The study explores the impact of different ages of level soil bunds on soil chemical and physical properties, as well as their effects on teff yield and yield components.
- Quote paper
- Masters of Science in Environmental Science Dessalegn Etana (Author), 2020, Effects of Level Soil Bund and Ages of Bund on Teff Productivity and Soil Properties: At, Nejo District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, Munich, GRIN Verlag,