This paper tries to analyze the structure of Tahira Naqvi’s short story "Notebook" from the "Attar of Roses and Other Stories of Pakistan which was published in 1997.
After collecting data, the researcher has analyzed narratology in the short story supported by particular idea of Gerard Genette's theory. The analysis focuses on narration mode, focalization technique, time and mood (speech and thought) in the short story.
Tahira Naqvi is one of the best short story writers. Naqvi is a fictional writer, a professor and a translator who decided to do work as a feminist. She is one of those writers who made a sensible effort to transfer myths of oppression to liberty and self-confidence about Pakistani women. The story of the elected work is about one year married couple which was turned to abusive wedlock but in the end she stands up for her liberty with confidence. The narration of the story helps the writer to convey her message to the reader. The present research concludes that the writer is conveying her message to the reader through the short story structure.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Structuralism
- Narratology
- Short Story
- Critical Review of Previous Work
- Theoretical Framework
- Mimesis or Diegsis
- Focalized narrative
- Narrator
- Time
- Mood (Speech and Thought)
- Research Methodology
- Analysis of Short Story
- Plot Summary
- Mimatic or Diagetic Narrative Mode
- Focalization
- Time
- Narrator
- Speech and Thought
- Conclusion
- References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This research paper aims to analyze the structure of Tahira Naqvi's short story, "The Notebook", through a narratological lens. The study employs a qualitative and analytical approach to analyze the narrative structure, focalization techniques, time, and mood of the story, supported by Gerard Genette's theory of narratology.
- Narratological Analysis
- Structure of Tahira Naqvi's Short Story
- Focalization Techniques
- Time and Mood in Narrative
- Gerard Genette's Theory of Narratology
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter provides an overview of structuralism, narratology, and short stories. It introduces Tahira Naqvi's "The Notebook" as the focus of the study and highlights the story's themes of oppression and self-confidence.
- Literature Review: This chapter explores the concepts of structuralism, narratology, and short stories through a review of existing literature. It examines the contributions of key scholars like Ferdinand de Saussure, Gerard Genette, and others.
- Research Methodology: This section explains the research methodology employed in the study. It highlights the qualitative and analytical approach used to analyze the short story.
- Analysis of Short Story: This chapter delves into the analysis of "The Notebook," examining its narrative structure, focalization techniques, time, and mood.
- Plot Summary: This section provides a summary of the plot of "The Notebook," focusing on its key narrative elements and themes.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The primary keywords and focus topics of the text include: narratology, Tahira Naqvi, "The Notebook," short story, narrative structure, focalization, time, mood, Gerard Genette, structuralism.
- Quote paper
- Saima Perveen (Author), 2019, Structuralism in Tahira Naqvi's "The Notebook". Narration Mode, Focalization Technique, Time and Mood, Munich, GRIN Verlag,