LNG development is currently amongst the most controversial projects around the world, strongly contested by opponents, generally consisting of environmental activists in communities where LNG operations are planned or on-going, who usually go to great lengths to present to dissuade governments from approving LNG projects, contrary to the views of LNG proponents. Because these conflicting views on the benefits and negative impacts of LNG continue to animate the debate, this paper is intended to examine salient issues of the debate for and against LNG, based on the views of both proponents and critics. The aim is to identify the major sources of the conflicting reactions and perceptions and propose sustainable solutions for a mutually beneficial and peaceful cohabitation of LNG with the biophysical and social environmental concerns of stakeholder communities.
Two [You have listed three points.] important points have been established:
- That critics of LNG have been vital drivers of innovation in the LNG sector, forcing LNG developers to continuously thrive to design new environmentally friendly technologies.
- That EIA, an invaluable component of all major projects has evolved greatly in the spatial sense, since its introduction in the USA in the 1960s, but its content and methods have changed little over this time. Thus it still dwells strictly on bio-physical and economic considerations, with limited emphasis on social impacts. This is based on the illusion that money can compensate for all other consequences, and especially true of the cases of LNG projects presented here. In most cases the social impacts considered have been limited to such aspects as employment, health, safety, livelihoods, leaving out important cultural, spiritual, relational, emotional or psychological issues; an ominous omission.
This paper concludes that by adopting the guidelines and principles for Social Impact Assessment (SIA), improving techniques of SIA and the inclusion of all major local stakeholders in all stages of LNG projects from planning to implementation (effective stakeholder participation) the rift between LNG development and community resistance could be significantly narrowed.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Situating the Debate on LNG Development
- 2.1. Benefits of LNG based on the views of proponents
- 2.2. Giving voice to the critics of LNG Development
- 3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Efforts to limit negative impacts of LNG on the environment
- 4. Social Impacts of LNG Projects
- 5. Final Remarks on the LNG debate
- 5.1. Principles of Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
- 6. Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to examine the ongoing debate surrounding Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) development by analyzing the conflicting viewpoints of proponents and critics. It seeks to identify the primary sources of these opposing perspectives and propose sustainable solutions that ensure a mutually beneficial and peaceful coexistence between LNG operations and the biophysical and social environments of stakeholder communities.
- Conflicting views on the benefits and negative impacts of LNG development
- The role of environmental activists and LNG proponents in shaping the debate
- The importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in mitigating project impacts
- The social, cultural, and economic implications of LNG projects for local communities
- The need for sustainable solutions and a harmonious coexistence between LNG operations and stakeholder communities
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1: Introduction provides a comprehensive overview of LNG development, its historical trajectory, and its increasing role in the global energy supply mix. It highlights the growing demand for LNG and the expansion of production and trade, particularly in the Asia-Pacific and Atlantic basins.
Chapter 2: Situating the Debate on LNG Development presents contrasting viewpoints on LNG development. It outlines the potential benefits of LNG as perceived by proponents, including economic gains, energy diversification, and environmental sustainability. Conversely, it highlights the concerns raised by critics, such as environmental impacts, social injustices, and the potential for accidents.
Chapter 3: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Efforts to limit negative impacts of LNG on the environment discusses the implementation of EIA as a crucial element in minimizing environmental impacts from LNG operations. It explores various technological advancements, operational procedures, and regulatory frameworks designed to reduce emissions, safeguard marine ecosystems, and manage waste effectively.
Chapter 4: Social Impacts of LNG Projects examines the often-overlooked social consequences of LNG projects. It criticizes the limited scope of traditional EIAs in addressing social impacts and argues for the importance of SIA in incorporating social considerations, including community livelihoods, cultural values, and psychological wellbeing.
Chapter 5: Final Remarks on the LNG debate emphasizes the necessity for comprehensive and balanced impact assessments that include both environmental and social considerations. It underscores the importance of stakeholder participation and community engagement in the planning and implementation of LNG projects. It also advocates for continued research and innovation in the sector to address concerns and ensure sustainable development.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), environmental impact assessment (EIA), social impact assessment (SIA), stakeholder participation, community engagement, sustainable development, energy diversification, environmental sustainability, social justice, conflict resolution, harmonious coexistence.
- Quote paper
- Dr. Anthony Banyouko Ndah (Author), 2012, Understanding the Conflicting Views on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Development Projects and Operations, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.hausarbeiten.de/document/441761