This chapter examines the background information to the study, the evolution of man - scientific evidence, the scientific reception of Darwinism (Darwin's Theory of Evolution - the premise Darwin's theory of evolution - natural selection Darwin's theory of evolution - slowly but surely, Darwin's theory of evolution - a theory in crisis). Furthermore, this work discusses the metaphysical concerns on theory of evolution, methodological objections of theory of evolution, reconsidering the nature of science from physics to evolutionary biology, from empiricism, toward a naturalistic model of scientific practice and conclusion of the study.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background of the study
- 1.2 The Scientific Reception of Darwinism
- 1.3 Metaphysical concerns on theory of evolution
- 1.4 Methodological objections on theory of evolution
- 1.5 Reconsidering the Nature of Science
- 1.6 From Physics to Evolutionary Biology
- 1.7 From Empiricism
- 1.8 Toward a Naturalistic Model of Scientific Practice
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This work aims to explore the historical conflict and implications of evolutionary theory on contemporary education. It examines the reception of Darwinism, analyzes the scientific evidence for human evolution, and discusses the ongoing debate surrounding the theory.
- The historical reception of Darwinism and the challenges it faced.
- The scientific evidence for human evolution, including its limitations and alternative explanations.
- The impact of evolutionary theory on science education, including its teaching and public perception.
- The historical development of scientific methodologies and their relevance to evolutionary biology.
- The role of empiricism and naturalism in scientific practice.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter provides a broad overview of the study, outlining its background, key objectives, and the evolution of man from a scientific perspective. It introduces Darwin's theory of evolution and examines the scientific reception of Darwinism.
- Chapter 1.1: Background of the study This chapter delves into the modern theory of human evolution, examining the evidence from anthropology, paleontology, and molecular biology. It discusses the concept of homology and the challenges associated with accepting the Darwinian theory of evolution.
- Chapter 1.2: The Scientific Reception of Darwinism This section explores the scientific community's reception of Darwin's theory, highlighting the challenges it faced and the ongoing debate surrounding the theory.
- Chapter 1.3: Metaphysical concerns on theory of evolution This chapter delves into metaphysical concerns surrounding the theory of evolution, exploring philosophical and theological critiques.
- Chapter 1.4: Methodological objections of theory of evolution This chapter explores methodological objections to the theory of evolution, focusing on the limitations of scientific methods in addressing complex evolutionary processes.
- Chapter 1.5: Reconsidering the Nature of Science This chapter examines the historical development of scientific methodologies, comparing the approaches used in physics and evolutionary biology.
- Chapter 1.6: From Physics to Evolutionary Biology This chapter explores the shift from a predominantly empirical and experimental approach in physics to the more theoretical and inferential methods used in evolutionary biology.
- Chapter 1.7: From Empiricism This section investigates the limitations of empiricism in understanding evolutionary processes.
- Chapter 1.8: Toward a Naturalistic Model of Scientific Practice This chapter proposes a naturalistic model of scientific practice that acknowledges the inherent limitations of empirical observation in evolutionary biology.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This work focuses on key themes and concepts like human evolution, Darwinism, the scientific reception of evolutionary theory, methodological objections to evolution, the nature of science, empiricism, naturalism, and the implications of evolutionary biology for education.
- Quote paper
- Joshua Lawrence Langat (Author), 2018, The Historical Conflict and Implication of Evolution and the Science on Contemporary Education, Munich, GRIN Verlag,