In this study we will assess the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth during the period of 2002-2014. The data of the study will be collected from economic surveys of Pakistan various editions, statistical supplements and Budget documents. To check the stationarity of the data, computer software will be used for a fitting auto-regressive time series model. The study is designed as follows: Literature available on this topic is analyzed in section two, objective of the study, hypothesis of the study, model fitting, source of data, methodology, conclusion and references are presented in chapter three, four, five, six, seven and eight respectively.
Fiscal policy is the effective and practical policy of all governments. Under fiscal policy a government uses its expenses or expenditures (developmental and non-developmental) and revenues (taxes and non-taxes) to produce desirable effects on economic activities and avoid undesirable ones on the national income, production and employment opportunities in a country. It also plays a vital role in the leading overall economic activities. According to F.R.Glahe (1985), “By fiscal policy is meant the regulation of the level of government expenditure and taxation to achieve full employment without inflation in the economy”.
If the mass community of a country have an access to comparatively superior and abundant commodities, if the per capita income is accumulative, if the lives of the public are becoming easier and luxurious and if value added commodities are available in the market over a long period of time then it means that the country is economically growing and economic growth is taking place. As economic growth is a multidimensional phenomenon. It depends upon a large number of macro inputs. It is affected by various variables and lays impact upon different social and economic indicators. Therefore, it becomes laborious and even impossible to analyze behaviors of those variables in a single research. Therefore the researcher decided to see the behavioral changes brought by Total Revenue, Total Expenditure, Current Expenditure, Defense, Interest Payment and Development Expenditure in economic growth. Their impacts are analyzed upon economic growth.
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
What is the main topic of this research paper?
This research paper investigates the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth in Pakistan. It analyzes the relationship between several fiscal policy variables and the country's economic growth rate.
What fiscal policy variables are examined in this study?
The study examines the impact of Total Revenue, Total Expenditure, Current Expenditure, Defense Expenditure, Interest Payment, and Development Expenditure on economic growth (GDP).
What is the time period covered by this research?
The research uses annual time series data from 2002 to 2014.
What data sources were used for this research?
The data was collected from various editions of the Economic Survey of Pakistan and Statistical Supplements.
What is the objective of this study?
The main objectives are: to examine the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth in Pakistan considering the specified variables; to determine the magnitude of the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth; and to formulate policy recommendations based on the findings.
What are the hypotheses of this study?
The study tests two hypotheses: (1) H0: Fiscal policy does not cause economic growth; and (2) H1: Fiscal policy causes economic growth.
What methodology was employed in this research?
The study uses T-statistics and Anova Two-way classification to analyze the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth. Autoregressive time series models were used to test the stationarity of the data.
What are the key findings of the study?
The study finds that Total Revenue, Total Expenditure, Current Expenditure, and Defense Expenditure have a strong positive correlation with economic growth. Interest Payment and Developmental Expenditure showed a weaker or insignificant relationship.
What are the main conclusions of this study?
The findings generally support the view that fiscal policy significantly impacts economic growth in Pakistan. The specific variables identified as having a strong impact should be carefully considered in policymaking. While some variables show a weaker link, their role shouldn't be dismissed entirely.
What policy recommendations are provided in this study?
The study recommends that policymakers in Pakistan (and other developing countries) should focus on maximizing resources that stimulate economic growth, particularly those related to Total Revenue and Developmental Expenditure. While Current Expenditure and Defense also showed an impact, their effects should be carefully managed. The research highlights the need for strategic allocation of resources to key sectors.
What are the limitations of this study?
The study acknowledges that the diverse conclusions reached by other researchers stem from factors such as different countries being studied, varying data used, and the application of different models and software.
Where can I find the complete list of references used in this study?
A comprehensive list of references is included in Chapter 6 of the research paper.
Are there any tables and graphs included in the study to illustrate the findings?
Yes, the study includes several tables and graphs that provide detailed statistical results and visual representations of the relationships between variables.
- Quote paper
- Ruman Khan (Author), 2016, The impact of fiscal policy on economic growth. A case Study of Pakistan (2002-2014), Munich, GRIN Verlag,