This report contains industrial define problem of pelletizer unit, Essar Oil limited Vadinar. The problem is about corrosion in belt conveyor and the possible suggestions to overcome corrosion with the use of tantalum. Comparison between several metals has been carried out to check out the superiority of different metal under acidic conditions.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Acknowledgement
- Abstract
- List of Tables
- List of Figures
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Brief description of company
- 1.3 Objective
- 1.4 Scope of work
- 1.5 Methodology
- Chapter 2: Literature Review
- 2.1 Corrosion
- 2.2 Corrosion resistance of different metals
- 2.3 Corrosion resistance of Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta
- 2.4 Different types of coating and their corrosion resistance
- Chapter 3: Industrial Training
- 3.1 Pelletizer unit
- 3.2 Flow diagram of pelletizer unit
- 3.3 Process description of pelletizer unit
- 3.4 Problem definition
- 3.5 Different approaches for corrosion resistance
- 3.6 Selection of coating material
- Chapter 4: Coating Techniques
- 4.1 Thermal spray coating
- 4.2 Electroless plating
- 4.3 Cladding
- Chapter 5: Experimental Study
- 5.1 Experimental plan
- 5.2 Results and discussions
- 5.3 Cost analysis
- Chapter 6: Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This report aims to explore the issue of corrosion in a pelletizer unit at Essar Oil Limited, Vadinar. The report analyzes the corrosive environment present within the unit and investigates potential solutions for enhancing the durability of the conveyor belt, specifically through the use of tantalum. It compares the corrosion resistance of various metals to determine the superiority of tantalum under acidic conditions.
- Corrosion and its impact on industrial equipment
- Corrosion resistance of different metals, particularly tantalum
- Coating techniques for enhancing durability and corrosion resistance
- Practical implementation of corrosion mitigation strategies
- Cost analysis of different corrosion mitigation options
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduces the pelletizer unit at Essar Oil Limited, Vadinar, outlining the project's objective, scope, and methodology.
- Chapter 2: Provides a literature review on corrosion, corrosion resistance of different metals, and various coating techniques.
- Chapter 3: Describes the industrial training experience, focusing on the pelletizer unit's process, problem definition, and the selection of tantalum as a potential solution.
- Chapter 4: Discusses various coating techniques, including thermal spray coating, electroless plating, and cladding, as methods to enhance durability and corrosion resistance.
- Chapter 5: Outlines the experimental study, including the plan, results, and discussions, as well as a cost analysis of the different approaches.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This report focuses on corrosion, pelletizer unit, conveyor belt, tantalum, corrosion resistance, coating techniques, thermal spray, electroless plating, cladding, cost analysis, and industrial training.
- Quote paper
- Omprakasah Sahu (Author), 2012, A report on enhancement of durability conveyor belt, Munich, GRIN Verlag,