Knowledge management is the basis for the growth and the prosperity for the organizations. It is the intangible asset for the organization to grow in a sustainable way. It impacts the culture and values for the organization. The impact of the knowledge builds the experience and makes system efficient by the connections in the organization. The basic aim of the paper is to build the strategic input for designing the knowledge management process to develop the employees in the organization.
Knowledge management is the basis for the growth and the prosperity for the organizations. It is the intangible asset for the organization to grow in a sustainable way. It impacts the culture and values for the organization. The impact of the knowledge builds the experience and makes system efficient by the connections in the organization. The basic aim of the paper is to build the strategic input for designing the knowledge management process to develop the employees in the organization.
Key words – knowledge, management, experience value
The knowledge is the basis for the economic growth of any economy. The employee development and progress of the society is reflected by the knowledge content of the organizations. The social norms and values of the society and organization are also reflected by the impact of assimilation of knowledge ethics. The maturity and learning of the society is reflected by the ability to handle the process and growth of innovation and creativity in the organization. The modernization of the organization can only happen if the technology is learned and it becomes a way of life for the employees and the people. Organizations are learning human systems. Knowledge and intellectual capital represent our corporate and national wealth. For a company to build knowledge architecture, it has to first build and manage the inventory of people, systems and decisions. Knowledge technologies must be incorporated to reengineer the entire business process. The reorientation of skills and resources is necessary to create better combinations of inorganic growth of the organization. In today’s era we need organization where people have commitment to improve their capacity to create and innovate ideas, respond to uncertainty and challenges in the market place and adjust to the change in general. The organizations, as a group of people have to continuously enhance their capacity to design what they want to create.
The business landscape is changing with the impact of liberalization and globalization in the modern era. The competitive environment is getting complicated with the impact of many players in the market. The survival and success depends entirely on the organization’s ability to respond to the changes in the environment. The knowledge management in the organization is the process of growth and employee development through the reengineering and redesigning process. The process is inducing the radical and organic change to impact the learning abilities of the people. The birth of knowledgeable services has become important to satisfy the customers, so the employees need to have the training and up-gradation to of the skills. The knowledge expression is reflected by the product employee development and differentiation. There is lot of options and opportunities of product differentiation which give lot of prosperity. There are forces of globalization and technologies with the impact of information and communication technology building the new materials. There is increased interest in the management of inter-firm relations and social capital of building the knowledge economy and network economy in a connected way. The change in knowledge management has to build the link for the variety creation, selection and retention. The human systems need variety creation to sustain:
- Innovation
- Learning
- Discovery
- Institution
- Creativity
The organizations can be managed by building the confidence and the positive faith of the people to build the priority objectives and increase productivity to keep the teams running. The change requires individuals and social groups to reconsider their choices and values, to imagine the evolution of strategy and defense, when it is appropriate. The knowledge developed and creation takes place in the human laboratories to design the education system through the institutional help. The knowledge can be shared at the conference forums and the international research forums to connect the valorous cultures by building the best practices to grow. The organization architecture can foster the following aspects by growing with knowledge:
Figure-1. inspiration to build innovation and knowledge
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Literature review
The knowledge management involves the human dimension of building and growing the human competencies to create and develop knowledge creation in today’s internet economy. The success of company depends on the relationships with suppliers, vendors and customers and managing people. The faith and trust is important to build the image and brand of the organization. The Successful knowledge management basically focuses on the company culture and the mission to launch the future growth options.
According to Malothra (2000) -The new and unpredictable business environment puts a premium on innovation and creativity much more so than in the past. It is essential that we have to obsolete what we know before others obsolete it and make profit by creating the challenges and opportunities others haven’t even thought about.
According to Churchman (1971) -To conceive of knowledge as a collection of information seems to rob the concept of its life. Knowledge resides in the user and not in the collection. It is how the user reacts to a collection of information that matters. Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight and grounded intuition that provides an environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information.
According to Davenport 1998- the knowledge originates from the minds of the knowers. In organizations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms
According to Johnston Stuart 1999 - the Knowledge management is mastered by some business organizations and they can build the better success.
According to Davenport and Prussic – the Companies are becoming more knowledge intensive ambitious and competencies and consider it more profit oriented than being capital intensive. Knowledge is rapidly displacing capital, monetary prowess, natural resources, and labor as the quintessential economic resource
According to Hansen and Nohria 1999 - knowledge the only inputs that can help your company cope with radical change and ask the right questions. Knowledge management is not knowledge engineering. Knowledge management needs to meld information systems and people in ways to build the innovations.Knowledge management are about process, not just digital networks. Management of knowledge has to encompass and improve business processes Knowledge management is not about a one-time investment. Knowledge management, like any other future-oriented investment, requires consistent attention over a substantial period of time even after it begins to deliver results
According to Jan Fidel - Like it or not, the years ahead will be an era of change and competition. The only thing one can predict about the future is change. The perfect architecture in organization is not an attainable goal; it is merely a desirable concept. Every company can continuously adapt and adjust to the changing environment. Knowledge building in Organization is just a means to a achieve business goal and it is created to improve productivity. In today's global marketplace, continuous change and adaptation is the only way to survive. “Those who invest in creativity and innovation will be more competitive than those who do not.”
According to Björkegren, 1999 - the organization strategies are decided by the projects taken in the business.
According to (Grabher, 2002). - The projects are part of business in which many specialists work together in coordinated way to do the business.
According to DeFilippi and Arthur, 1998; Gann and Salter, 2000; Grabher, 2002; Hobday, 2000 —the operational efficiency of the organization can increase by the technology based and service oriented dimensions.
According to Peter Drucker 1994 - the most important factors in an economic and social order is knowledge and labor, raw material or capital.
According to Koskinen and Pihlanto, 2008 - the organization culture depends on the importance of such human factors as values, motivations and beliefs of the employees.
According to brown and Duguid 1991 – the organizational culture is able to harness knowledge and promote knowledge this is a continuous learning at individual and team and levels.
According to Turner and Keegan 1999- the organizations have to work as teams to build the success in the market.
According to Lindkvist 2004 - the organizations have to establish shared understandings of a common knowledge base.
According to (Koskinen and Pihlanto, 2008 --Knowledge is an individual’s perception, skills and experiences which have their constraints.
According to Sarmento (2005) knowledge is an expert’s opinion, skills and experience, resulting in a valuable asset that can be used as an aid in decision making.
According to Ash 1998 - They are means through which knowledge is stored and transferred. Information, in turn, is the grouping of these outputs and placing them in a context that makes them valuable.
According to Reich (2007), there are four knowledge categories vital to the success of projects:
-process knowledge
-domain knowledge
-institutional knowledge
-Cultural knowledge.
Organizational culture consists of assumptions, values, norms and tangible signs (artifacts) of organization members and their behaviors. In practice, the members of an organization sooner or later can come to sense the particular culture of their organization.
Indeed, organizational culture contains the basic, taken-for-granted assumptions and deep patterns of meaning shared by organizational participation and manifestation of these assumptions (Slocum, 1995).
According to Song (2001), through effective knowledge sharing, organizations – project-based companies in our case – can improve efficiency, reduce training cost