This study uses child and family studies to investigate the intricacies of depression in children and adolescents. After a thorough investigation of multiple sources, such as studies on mother mental health, family dynamics, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the literature review suggests that early life stressors are frequently associated with a higher risk of developing depression in childhood and adolescence. This result was reached following thorough research that included using different sources. Longitudinal participant studies are well-known for their ability to provide vital insights into the long-term impact of maternal depression on their offspring's developmental trajectory. These studies stress the significance of this requirement in light of expected economic expansion. More children and teenagers have experienced depression symptoms as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak-caused lockdowns. This trend has compounded the epidemic's already serious issues. The findings highlight the importance of individualized interventions that include the vast range of circumstances that can lead to a child suffering from depression. This is crucial for the growth of family and infant research.
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- Miss Taylor (Author), 2024, Exploring the Nexus Between Family Dynamics, Child Maltreatment, and Adolescent Depression: A Comprehensive Review, Munich, GRIN Verlag,