This paper deals with a critical analysis of W.H. Auden‘s 1939 poem “Herman Melville“. It focuses predominantly on the theme of serenity in later life and coming to terms with hardships one had to face throughout their lives. It also argues that themes of rebirth in the poem lead to a profound spiritual revelation at the end of Herman Melvilles life. In order to do a solid comparative analysis of both Auden‘s poetry and Melville‘s œvre, this paper examines the sea imagery found in the poem which is connected to finding goodness. My paper relies on sources such as The Enchafèd Flood by Auden, Moby Dick and other works of Herman Melville, as well as numerous secondary works of criticism. Furthermore, I argue that “Herman Melville“ depicts Auden‘s meditation on war and the rise of totalitarianism in Europe at the time. All of those topics make for an intriguing insight into mid-century poetry and Americanness in the literary landscape.
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- Jannes Winkler (Author), 2024, The Calm of Mountains. Serenity, Rebirth, and the Struggle Between Good and Evil in W.H. Auden‘s "Herman Melville", Munich, GRIN Verlag,