This paper explores the representation of masculinity in Raymond Carver's short stories, with a particular focus on how Carver deconstructs traditional male roles. Carver’s male protagonists — often portrayed as insecure, emotionally disconnected, and paralyzed by their circumstances — embody the collapse of conventional masculine ideals. While these characters appear to represent typical heterosexual middle-class men, a close reading suggests underlying themes that challenge normative sexual identities. By analyzing three specific short stories, this paper investigates how Carver subtly alludes to homo- and transsexuality within his construction of masculinity. Through this analysis, the paper seeks to examine whether Carver’s work provides alternative narratives of male identity in a world where traditional sexual politics are disintegrating.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- The Representation of Masculinity
- Neighbors (1976)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper examines Raymond Carver's construction of masculinity in his short stories, focusing on how his male characters challenge and subvert traditional notions of masculinity. The analysis explores the complexities of gender identity and sexuality within the context of Carver's work, using specific textual examples to support the argument.
- The subversion of traditional masculinity in Carver's male characters.
- The exploration of sexuality and gender identity beyond traditional binaries.
- The role of self-perception and identity crises in Carver's narratives.
- The impact of social and economic circumstances on masculinity.
- The use of textual details and symbolism to reveal character complexities.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction establishes the paper's central argument: that Carver's stories depict men grappling with a changing definition of masculinity in a society where traditional gender roles are collapsing. The stories portray insecure, jealous, and emotionally vulnerable men whose masculinity is in crisis.
The chapter on the representation of masculinity begins by questioning the definition of masculinity, examining biological sex versus gender identity and sexual orientation. It then introduces the traditional concept of masculinity before delving into a close reading of "Neighbors."
The analysis of "Neighbors" focuses on Bill Miller's actions, particularly his exploration of his neighbor's apartment and his cross-dressing. It explores the ambiguity surrounding Bill's actions, leaving open the interpretation of his behavior as potentially indicating a transvestite identity. The analysis considers the interplay between Bill's cross-dressing and his increased sexual activity with his wife, arguing that these aspects are not necessarily contradictory.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Raymond Carver, masculinity, gender, sexuality, identity crisis, short stories, transvestism, heterosexuality, homo- or transsexuality, social commentary, traditional masculinity, American literature.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2021, Deconstructing Masculinity. Queer Interpretations in Raymond Carver's Short Stories, Munich, GRIN Verlag,