Agriculture is a vital activity for the people of Lebialem Division in Cameroon. The productivity and success of farmers are largely dependent on government support for agriculture, as well as the extent to which all farmers can benefit from this support to increase production, improve their standard of living, and achieve self-employment. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of government support on promoting agricultural development in the Lebialem Division. The study employs the "Schultzian Theories of Agricultural Development," which focuses on transforming traditional agriculture. A survey research design was used, with the Lebialem municipality as the case study. The target population consisted of over 5,000 individuals involved in farming, and a sample size of 100 was randomly selected. Data was collected and analyzed using the chi-square method. The findings confirm the research hypothesis, indicating that government support leads to increased agricultural production in the Lebialem Division, although some challenges remain. The study made several recommendations, including that the government should be the sole distributor of subsidies to ensure fairness, construct farm-to-market roads to facilitate the transportation of farm products, introduce mechanized farming methods, create more storage facilities, and impose a stable price for farm outputs.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Key Words
- 1. Introduction
- Statement of the Problem
- Research Question
- Objective of the Study
- Research Hypothesis
- Theoretical Framework
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of government support on agricultural development in Lebialem Division, Cameroon. The research utilizes the Schultzian Theories of Agricultural Development to analyze the situation.
- Government support for agricultural development in Lebialem Division.
- The impact of government support on agricultural production.
- Challenges to agricultural development in Lebialem Division.
- The role of agriculture in the Cameroonian economy.
- Strategies for improving agricultural practices and food security in Cameroon.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
1. Introduction: This chapter introduces the importance of agriculture to Cameroon's economy, highlighting its contribution to GDP and employment. It also discusses challenges such as population growth, resource pressure, and the potential impact of climate change on food security. The chapter mentions government initiatives to boost agricultural financing.
Statement of the Problem: This section outlines the research problem, questioning the effectiveness of government support in ensuring all farmers benefit and whether agricultural income can sufficiently improve farmers' living standards given rising prices of goods.
Research Question and Objective: The central research question focuses on the impact of government support on agricultural development in Lebialem Division. The study's objective is to investigate this impact.
Research Hypothesis: The study tests the hypothesis that government support increases agricultural production in Lebialem Division.
Theoretical Framework: This section introduces the Schultzian Theories of Agricultural Development, focusing on its definition of traditional agriculture and its implications for agricultural transformation.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Government support, agricultural development, Lebialem Division, Cameroon, food security, Schultzian theory, agricultural production, economic impact, challenges to agricultural development.
- Quote paper
- Tanwie Ngewie (Author), 2024, Government Support to Boast Agricultural Development. Case Study, Lebialem Division, South West Region Cameroon, Munich, GRIN Verlag,