This paper is [...] dedicated to the question of the main features of the cult of Mithras and the cult community(ies) in the urban area of the CCAA. Based on the interpretation of the archaeological traces of the Mithraic cult in the urban area of the CCAA, it is to be determined whether these allow statements to be made about the period of Mithra worship and about the size and demography of the cult community and to what extent these can be classified in Mithraic cult research. To this end, the current state of knowledge in Mithra cult research will first be outlined. This will be followed by an overview of the archaeological finds and findings on the cult of Mithras in the CCAA, primarily based on G. Ristow's compilation. These will then be analysed in relation to the period of Mithras worship, the size and demography of the cult community and the extent to which they can be classified within current Mithras cult research.
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- Pascal Johannes Harter (Author), 2023, Rock birth, sacred inscriptions and cult vessels, Munich, GRIN Verlag,