For this paper, we were instructed to select either a product or service, and we were also instructed to select a country where we can market our service or product. With respect to the instruction, we’ve selected a service business named "Easy to Fly", and we’ve selected the most appropriate country for this service business, which is the United States.
"Easy to Fly" is a service-based company. When people need to transfer any documents, papers, or parcels from one place to another, they contact us through our website or app. We will deliver the parcel to them within a very short time. With the delivery person, we will conduct business in accordance with the location that the customer has specified. Our delivery person will deliver the package to its intended recipient carefully and politely. The location tracking system will track the delivery person every second, and after some time, we will let our customers know how much extra time is required.
Actually, "Easy to Fly" is inspired by "Paper N Parcel", an Indian start-up. The working system of "Easy to Fly" is as follows: Suppose you want to courier the item from A to B location. The system is as if the delivery person shifts the courier from the sender to the receiver's destination; they get commission based on the range they cover or travel. Thus, the business will be operated.
Easy to Fly: Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿Qué es Easy to Fly?
Easy to Fly es una empresa de servicios que ofrece entrega rápida de documentos, papeles y paquetes. Los clientes pueden contactarlos a través de su sitio web o aplicación. El servicio se inspira en la startup india Paper N Parcel, operando con un sistema de entrega basado en comisiones para los repartidores según la distancia recorrida.
¿Cuál es el problema de investigación principal del informe?
El informe se centra en la eficiencia operativa y la satisfacción del cliente de Easy to Fly en Estados Unidos. Se busca optimizar los procesos de entrega, minimizar retrasos, maximizar la eficiencia, mejorar la satisfacción del cliente y el desempeño del personal de reparto, y perfeccionar los sistemas de rastreo.
¿Cuál es la justificación para el estudio de Easy to Fly?
El estudio es crucial debido a la alta demanda de servicios de entrega, el modelo de negocio innovador de Easy to Fly, la importancia de la satisfacción del cliente, los avances tecnológicos utilizados (sistema de rastreo) y la necesidad de optimizar las operaciones en un mercado competitivo.
¿Cuál es el alcance y los objetivos del estudio?
El alcance abarca los procesos operativos, la experiencia del cliente, las prácticas del personal de entrega, la infraestructura tecnológica y el análisis de mercado. Los objetivos son evaluar la eficiencia y efectividad del servicio, medir la satisfacción del cliente, analizar las prácticas del personal de reparto y evaluar la funcionalidad del sistema de rastreo.
¿Qué metodología se utilizó en el estudio?
Se empleó un enfoque de métodos mixtos, combinando métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. (Detalles específicos sobre la metodología no se incluyen en la muestra de lectura proporcionada).
¿Cuáles son las limitaciones del estudio?
(Las limitaciones del estudio no se incluyen en la muestra de lectura proporcionada).
¿Qué revisión de literatura se realizó?
La revisión de literatura analiza publicaciones sobre la calidad de los servicios de mensajería, especialmente los determinantes y métodos para medir la calidad del servicio. Se destaca la escasez de artículos sobre este tema en la literatura extranjera y polaca, y la mayoría de las investigaciones analizadas se basan en el método SERVQUAL. Se citan varias referencias.
¿Por qué se seleccionó Estados Unidos como país de estudio?
Se seleccionó Estados Unidos debido a varias razones, incluyendo las oportunidades de mercado, los factores culturales, el entorno legal y regulatorio, las consideraciones de costos, el acceso a recursos y el panorama competitivo. Se realizó una breve encuesta a estudiantes universitarios que arrojó resultados positivos sobre la viabilidad del negocio en ese país.
¿Qué investigación de mercado se llevó a cabo?
Se realizó una encuesta a 25 estudiantes universitarios en Estados Unidos sobre la viabilidad del negocio. El 89.3% respondió positivamente. Se incluye un enlace a una hoja de cálculo con los datos recogidos.
¿Cuál es el plan de marketing?
El plan de marketing incluye un análisis preliminar, la adaptación de la combinación de marketing a los mercados objetivo, el desarrollo del plan de marketing y su implementación y control. Se describe el proceso de planificación internacional y las estrategias de entrada al mercado extranjero, optando por la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED).
¿Cómo se segmentó el mercado?
Se identificaron varios segmentos de mercado en Estados Unidos, incluyendo profesionales corporativos, estudiantes, académicos, investigadores, profesionales de la salud, emprendedores, artistas, empleados gubernamentales y trabajadores de la industria de servicios. Se detalla el perfil de cada segmento.
¿A qué mercado objetivo se dirige Easy to Fly?
Easy to Fly se dirige a profesionales corporativos, académicos, investigadores, emprendedores, trabajadores de la industria de servicios, estudiantes y empleados del gobierno, quienes requieren servicios de envío frecuentes.
¿Cómo se gestiona la cadena de suministro?
Se describe un sistema de cadena de suministro que incluye centros de recolección y entrega, centros de distribución (DC) y el proceso de recolección, procesamiento y entrega de paquetes. Se detallan los pasos del proceso de recogida, las operaciones de los centros de distribución y el proceso de entrega.
¿Cuál es la estrategia de precios?
Se describen varias estrategias de precios, incluyendo tarifa plana, precio basado en el peso, precio basado en la distancia, precio basado en zonas, precio basado en el peso dimensional, precio sensible al tiempo, precios por servicios adicionales y precios promocionales.
¿Cuáles son las perspectivas futuras y opiniones?
Se analizan las perspectivas futuras del sector, incluyendo el énfasis en la sostenibilidad, la automatización y la robótica, el seguimiento mejorado, la entrega a demanda y el mismo día, la integración con plataformas de comercio electrónico, la experiencia del cliente personalizada y las innovaciones en la última milla.
¿Cuál es la estrategia de marketing propuesta?
La estrategia de marketing se centra en la creación de marca, un enfoque en el cliente, comunicaciones de marketing integradas, liderazgo de pensamiento y marketing de contenidos, patrocinios y alianzas, y la sostenibilidad ambiental.
¿Qué análisis financiero se realizó?
Se describen y explican los ratios de liquidez (capital de trabajo y ratio rápido) y ratios de rentabilidad (margen bruto, margen neto, rentabilidad de los activos totales y rentabilidad del patrimonio neto).
¿Qué análisis FODA se realizó?
(El análisis FODA no se incluye en la muestra de lectura proporcionada).
¿Cuáles son los principales hallazgos del informe?
Se resumen los principales hallazgos sobre los sectores y segmentos de mercado que Easy to Fly opera, las entidades legales asociadas, los inversores, los atributos clave del servicio de entrega y los desafíos de gestión.
¿Cuáles son las conclusiones y recomendaciones del informe?
Se concluyen las consideraciones sobre la creciente demanda de servicios de entrega, la competencia en el sector y la importancia de la tecnología. Las recomendaciones incluyen el uso de mejor tecnología, la comprensión de los clientes, la automatización de los procesos, la creación de un sistema de comunicación fluido y un sistema logístico sólido.
¿Dónde puedo encontrar las referencias del informe?
Se proporciona una lista de referencias utilizadas en el informe.
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1:Introduction
1.1 Statement of the Research Problem
1.2 Rationale for its Study
1.3 Scope and objectives of the Study
1.4 Methodology of the Study
1.5 Limitations of the Study
Chapter 2:Literature Review
Chapter 3:An overview of the Sector to which the theme of the Report Relates
Country Selection
Why did we select this country for this service?
Marketing research
Collected data spreadsheet link:
Sample Opinion
Opinion on percentage
Marketing plan
International Planning Process
Mood of Entry
Foreign Market Entry Strategies
Chapter 4:Other overview of the Subsector to which the theme of the Report Relates
Market Segmentation
Market targeting
Supply Chain Management
Pricing strategy
Chapter 5:Discussion on Various Aspects of the Research
Future perspectives and opinions
Marketing Strategy
Financial and Ratio Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Chapter 6:Major Findings
Chapter 7:Conclusions and Recommendations
Executive Summary
Easy to Flyis a service-based company. When people need to transfer any documents, papers, or parcels from one place to another, they contact us through our website or app. We will deliver the parcel to him within a very short time. With the delivery person, we will conduct business in accordance with the location that the customer has specified. Our delivery person will deliver the package to its intended recipient carefully and politely. The location tracking system will track the delivery person every second, and after some time, we will let our customers know how much extra time is required.
We are instructed to select either a product or service, and we are also instructed to select a country where we can market our service or product.
With respect to the instruction, We’ve selecteda service business named ‘Easy to Fly', and we’ve selected the most appropriatecountryfor this service business, which isthe United States.
Actually, Easy to Fly is inspired by Paper N Parcel,an Indian start-up. The working system of Easy to Fly is as follows: Suppose you want to courier the item from A to B location. The system is as if the delivery person shifts the courier from the sender to the receiver's destination; they get commission based on the range he covers or travels. Thus, the business will be operated.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Statement of the Research Problem
The present research problem revolves around the service company Easy to Fly and its efficient package and document delivery services in the USA. Despite the company's rapid growth and success, there are several key research questions that need to be answered: Operational Efficiency: How can Easy to Fly streamline your delivery processes to ensure the fast and reliable transmission of documents, papers, and packages within the allotted time frame? What strategies can be implemented to minimize delays and maximize overall efficiency? Customer Satisfaction: What Factors Contribute to Customer Satisfaction When Using Easy-to-Fly Delivery Services? Are customers satisfied with the speed, reliability, and professionalism of the delivery staff? By answering these research questions, the study aims to provide useful information to optimize Easy to Fly service operations, improve customer satisfaction, improve delivery staff performance, refine tracking systems, and seize opportunities in the market. Ultimately, the research is expected to contribute to Easy to Fly's continued success and growth in the highly competitive package and document delivery industry in the United States.
1.2 Rationale for its Study
The study of Easy to Fly's document delivery service is crucial for several reasons, outlined below:
Market Demand:Document and parcel delivery services play a vital role in today's fast-paced society, where individuals and businesses frequently require swift and reliable transfers.Unique Business Model:Easy to Fly's business model, inspired by the success of Paper N Parcel in India, presents an innovative approach to document delivery.Customer Satisfaction and Experience: Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance for any service-based company. By studying Easy to Fly's document delivery service, we can evaluate the company's ability to deliver parcels within short timeframes, handle items with care, and provide polite and professional interactions.Technological Advancements:Easy to Fly's utilization of a location tracking system that provides real-time updates to customers is an example of technological advancement in the document delivery industry.
1.3 Scope and objectives of the Study
Thescopeof the study on Easy to Fly's document delivery service in the United States encompasses the following areas:
- Operational Processes
- Customer Experience
- Delivery Personnel Practices
- Technological Infrastructure
- Market Analysis
Theobjectivesof the study are as follows:
- To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Easy to Fly's document delivery service in terms of speed, accuracy, and reliability.
- To assess customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in the customer experience.
- To analyze the practices and performance of Easy to Fly's delivery personnel and propose strategies for enhancing their professionalism and efficiency.
- To evaluate the functionality and impact of Easy to Fly's location tracking system and propose enhancements for better performance.
1.4 Methodology of the Study
The study on Easy to Fly's document delivery service will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The following components will be incorporated into the study:
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
1.5 Limitations of the Study
While the study aims to provide valuable insights into Easy to Fly's document delivery service, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations that may impact the scope and generalizability of the findings. These limitations include:
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This section presents a critical review of selected publications on the quality of messaging services, in particular on the determinants and methods of measuring the quality of service. Although the CEP market is constantly evolving and service quality is one of the main goals for courier service providers, there are few articles on this topic in both foreign and Polish literature.
Most of the research analyzed was based on the SERVQUAL method for assessing the dimensions of service quality (tangibility, reliability, safety, responsiveness, and empathy) (Frq.s, 2014; Yee and Daud, 2011; Tabassum and Badiuddin, 2014; Yu et al. , 2012). Yee and Daud (2011) investigated the influence of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in parcel delivery. The bibliographical review of the quality of the courier service made the following conclusions:
1. The authors of the analyzed research did not develop a scale to measure the quality of the courier service in the context of e-commerce in the B2C relationship.
2. Previous research on the messaging service has often been fragmented and situational: the documents analyzed have focused on a small group of respondents, a selected region of the country, or just one of the quality criteria.
3. Empirical research on the CEP market in the context of e-commerce in Poland is very limited.
(Azad et al., 2022; Farrell, 2020; Gomes et al., 2020; Knight et al., 2004; Laluma, 2007; Lucas, 1988; Morgan et al., 2018; Nasrullah et al., 2015; Rana et al., 2021; Scott and Vigar-Ellis, 2014; Srivastava & Sivaramakrishnan, 2022; Stalsberg et al., 2008; Tien, 2020; Walton, 2004; Zavattaro & Fay, 2019)
[ , , ]
Chapter 3: An overview of the Sector to which the theme of the Report Relates
Country Selection
Our Selected country for service marketing is_ the United States of America
Why did we select this country for this service?
Our selected country for marketing our service is theUnited States. We selected this country for our service for various reasons. And various factors worked behind this. Various reasons for selecting this country and various factors that played a role in it are described here.
- Market Opportunity
- Cultural Factors
- Legal and Regulatory Environment
- Cost Considerations
- Access to Resources
- Competitive Landscape
It's important to thoroughly research and analyze these factors before selecting a country for service businesses. Conductingmarket researchand seeking guidance from experts or local business networks, we gained valuable insights to inform our decision-making process.
Marketing research
We have conducted a short survey in the United States. In this survey, we asked the 25 university students three questions about whether the service business will be fruitful and successful in their country or not. And gratefully, most of their answers were ‘yes’. Below, the marketing research analytics are given.
The steps to doing marketing research are:
Step 1:Define the research problem
Step 2:Developing a research plan
Step 3: Collecting data
Step 4:Analyzing research data
Step 5:Presenting the findings
Collected data spreadsheet link: sp=sharing&ouid=111717442833590838481&rtpof=true&sd=true
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Sample Opinion
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Opinion on percentage
Because of your great thinking ability, do you think that the above service business will be fruitful and successful in your country?
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Here, we can see that 89.3% of people said that the service business will be fruitful and successful in their country; the rest, 10.7%, put their opinion on ‘may be’, and none can say no about this. This is why we have selected the United States as our service business marketing country.
Marketing plan
Actually, this marketing plan is for a domestic service business in the international market, and this international market means the market of the United States. At first, let’s see the process of internationalization of US business:
1. Increasing globalization of markets
2. Firms face competition on all fronts
3. Many U.S. companies are now foreign-controlled, such as Carnation (Switzerland) and Daimler-Chrysler (Germany)
4. U.S. firms seeking foreign markets to increase profits
The planning process for marketing in the US market
Phase 1:Preliminary Analysis and Screening: Matching Company and Country Needs
Phase 2:Adapting the Marketing Mix to Target Markets
Phase 3:Developing the Marketing Plan
Phase 4:Implementation and Control of the
International Planning Process
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Developing a marketing plan for a domestic service business in an international market requires a strategic approach that considers cultural differences, target audience preferences, competition, and effective communication strategies. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a marketing plan for an international expansion:
1. Market Research
2. Define Objectives
3. Localization of Services
4. Branding and Positioning
5. Pricing Strategy
6. Promotional Activities
7. Partnerships and Alliances
8. Online Presence
9. Customer Support and Communication
10. Evaluation and Adaptation
In the whole report, concerning these steps, the marketing plan is designed.
Mood of Entry
Foreign Market Entry Strategies
When a company makes the commitment to go international, it must choose an entry strategy.
The choice of entry strategy depends on:
- » Market Size and Growth
- » Risk
- » Government Regulations
- » Competitive Environment
- » Local Infrastructure
- » Company Objectives
- » Need for Control
- » Internal Resources, Assets and Capabilities
- » Flexibility
Four different modes of foreign market entry from which to select:
- Exporting
- Contractual Agreements
- Strategic Alliances, And
- Direct Foreign Investment
Among these four different modes of foreign market entry strategies, we have selectedForeign Direct Investment (FDI)for our business's international marketing.
When entering the international market to market a service business, the most suitable mode of foreign market entry among the four options (exporting, contractual agreements, strategic alliances, and direct foreign investment) will depend on various factors. Consider the following points to make an informed decision:
- Nature of the Service
- Resource Availability
- Market Entry Strategy
- Market Knowledge and Relationships
- Legal and Regulatory Considerations
- Risk Management
Based on these factors, the most suitable mode of entry for marketing a service business in the international market may vary. Exporting and Contractual agreements, such as licensing or franchising, may be suitable for service businesses that can be delivered remotely or require minimal physical presence. Strategic alliances or joint ventures can be beneficial when seeking local market knowledge, distribution networks, or complementary resources.Direct foreign investment, such as establishing subsidiaries or acquiring local companies,may be appropriate for service businesses with significant expansion plans and the resources to support such ventures.
Chapter 4: Other overview of the Subsector to which the theme of the Report Relates
Market Segmentation
In the United States, there is a diverse range of people with various backgrounds, occupations, and roles in society. While it's impossible to segment every individual, here are some common types of people that exist in the US:
1. Corporate Professionals:These are individuals who work in the corporate world, holding positions in management, finance, marketing, human resources, and other areas. They may work for large multinational corporations or smaller companies.
2. Students:Students form a significant portion of the population in the US. They range from elementary school children to high school, college, and university students pursuing various academic disciplines.
3. Academics and Researchers:This category includes professors, researchers, and scholars who work in educational institutions such as universities and research centers. They contribute to the advancement of knowledge in various fields through teaching, conducting research, and publishing papers.
4. Healthcare Professionals:This group comprises nurses, pharmacists, therapists, and other healthcare workers. They provide medical care, diagnose illnesses, treat patients, and work in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and other healthcare settings.
5. Entrepreneurs:Entrepreneurs are individuals who start and manage their own businesses. They take on the risks and responsibilities of owning and operating a company, aiming to create innovative products or services and generate profits.
6. Artists and Creative Professionals:This category includes actors, musicians, painters, writers, photographers, designers, and other creative individuals. They contribute to the arts and entertainment industries by expressing their talents and creativity through various mediums.
7. Government Employees:These individuals work for federal, state, or local government agencies and departments. They hold positions in law enforcement, administration, public service, policy-making, and other government-related roles.
8. Service Industry Workers:This group encompasses individuals employed in service- oriented industries such as hospitality, retail, food and beverage, transportation, and customer service. They provide services to the public, ensuring the smooth operation of businesses and meeting the needs of customers.
9. Nonprofit and Charity Workers:Individuals who work for nonprofit organizations and charitable institutions fall into this category. They dedicate their time and efforts to serving the community, addressing social issues, and working towards the betterment of society.
10. Military Personnel:Members of the armed forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, serve in various roles to protect the country's security and interests.
These are just a few examples of the types of people that exist in the United States. It's important to note that people often have multiple roles and can belong to multiple categories simultaneously. Additionally, there are countless other professions, subcultures, and communities that contribute to the rich diversity of the American population.
Market targeting
For our company, first we segment, and then we target our consumers. So in market segmentation, there are a variety of consumers. We don’t target everyone. But every type of consumer can get service from our company. Because our company is a service-based company. When people need to transfer any documents, papers,or parcels from one place to another, they contact us. We will deliver the parcel to him in a very short time. The parcel must be 5 kg or less. Delivery time will depend on the road distance. Our company is an applicationbased company. Customers can contact them using an application. Customers will give their details through the app. Our staff will act accordingly. For this reason, every type of person can get our service. But we target specific people who do exist in the US and need to transfer parcels regularly. These people areCorporate academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, service industry workers, students, and Government Employees.
Corporate Professionals, Students, academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, service industry workers, and government employees often need to transfer documents and parcels regularly for several reasons:
11. Communication:Transferring documents and parcels allows for effective communication between different individuals or organizations and enables the sharing of important information, contracts, reports, and other essential documents.
12. Collaboration:In a corporate or educational setting, teams often need to collaborate on projects or assignments. Transferring documents and parcels enables team members to share their work, exchange feedback, and contribute to the overall progress of the project.
13. Official Correspondence:Corporations and educational institutions frequently engage in official correspondence with clients, partners, or other stakeholders. Transferring documents and parcels facilitates the exchange of legal agreements, invoices, purchase orders, and other important paperwork required for business transactions.
14. Legal and Administrative Requirements:Many corporate and educational processes require physical documentation. This includes legal contracts, registration applications, and certificates. Transferring these documents ensures compliance with legal and administrative requirements.
15. Distance and Accessibility:In an increasingly globalized world, corporate offices and educational institutions are often located in different cities or countries. Transferring documents and parcels is necessary to bridge the geographical gap and ensure the seamless flow of information and resources.
16. Backup and Archiving:Physical documents and parcels can serve as backup copies or archives. Organizations and individuals often store important records, such as financial statements, research papers, historical documents, or physical portfolios, for future reference or as a backup in case of digital data loss.
17. Delivering Goods and Samples:In business scenarios, companies often need to ship physical goods, samples, or prototypes to clients, customers, or partners. Transferring parcels ensures that the products reach their intended recipients, enabling demonstrations, testing, or marketing activities.
18. Educational Materials:Students frequently need to transfer assignments, research papers, textbooks, or other educational materials to their teachers, classmates, or educational institutions. It allows for the submission of assignments, peer collaboration, or the distribution of learning resources.
While digital technologies have enabled the digitization and online transfer of many documents, there are still situations where physical transfer remains necessary due to legal, security, confidentiality, or practical reasons.
Supply Chain Management
The basic set-up for Easy to Fly is a collection and delivery center that is responsible for booking, collecting, and delivering couriers and parcels These parcels or couriers are then handed over to the city Distribution center by collection centers. After that, DC dispatches these parcels or couriers to destination DCs. After receiving the parcels or couriers, the destination DC then further dispatches the parcels to the collection or delivery centers for deliveries. These collection and delivery centers finally deliver the parcels or couriers to the consignee’s address.
Pick-Up Registration:When a retail customer calls the collection center or call center or visits the web site for pick-up and specifies the address and time to pick-up. Subsequent to this, a pick-up request is generated in the system, and this number is also given to the customer for reference.
Pick-Up Process:The courier person gets the pick-up schedules from the collection center. This pick-up schedule contains the time of pick-up and pick-up addresses of the customers (Retail and Corporate) and is normally based on the route. Based on this pick-up schedule, the courier person visits the customer’s place, picks up the courier, and hands over the pre-printed bar-coded Air WayBill (AWB). After the collection, these parcels are handed over at the collection center, where they are scanned with the scanner and entries such as address, etc. are made in the system. Now, each parcel is identified in the system with a unique bar-coded AWB. These parcels may be sorted out at the collection center and collected in a bag, which is given a unique bar-coded ID for traceability. If the organization is IT savvy and has good IT infrastructure, then it normally provides PDAs to the couriers. The courier person can directly download the pick-up schedule through the system onto the PDA.
DC Operations: The DC receives the bags from different collection centers and scans the barcoded ID. Immediately after scanning the barcode, all the parcels receive status in DC. These parcels are sorted and consolidated based on destinations. This job is normally done through a scanner, which automates the process and virtually eliminates errors in transactions.
Delivery Process: After receiving the bag and scanning the barcode ID, the status of these parcels gets changed to “received” at the delivery center. Again, the delivery or collection center consolidates and sorts out the parcel or courier based on ZIP, PIN, delivery area code, or route. These are again bagged in a bag that has a unique ID based on the destination area. The delivery sheet is prepared for delivery of these parcels, or the sheets can be downloaded on the PDA as well. This Delivery sheet (PDA) and parcel bag are handed over to the courier person. The courier person, along with the delivery sheet or PDA, reaches the consignee’s address, delivers the parcel, and takes the signature of the consignee on the delivery sheet or PDA. After delivery of the parcels, the courier person reaches the collection or delivery center and updates the status of the shipments in the system either manually or by uploading the PDA data into the system. This activity closes the transaction and updates the status of AWB as “delivered”. At any given point in time, if a customer wants to know the status, he or she can see it by entering the AWB number on the company’s web site or making an inquiry in the call center.
Pricing strategy
The pricing strategy for a parcel delivery business can vary depending on various factors, such as the target market, competition, cost structure, and value proposition. Here are some commonly used pricing strategies that you can consider:
Flat Rate: Offer a fixed price for parcel delivery, regardless of the distance or weight. This strategy provides simplicity and predictability for customers, making it easier for them to understand and compare prices.
Weight-Based Pricing:Charge customers based on the weight of the parcel. This strategy allows for more accurate pricing since heavier parcels require more resources and may incur higher costs.
Distance-Based Pricing:Set prices based on the distance between the pickup and delivery locations. This strategy takes into account the fuel and transportation costs associated with longer distances.
Zone-Based Pricing:Divide your service area into different zones and charge customers based on the zone of their pickup and delivery locations. This approach considers the varying costs associated with different zones, such as urban areas versus rural areas.
Dimensional Weight Pricing:Calculate the price based on both the weight and dimensions of the parcel. This strategy ensures that larger parcels, which occupy more space and may require special handling, are appropriately priced.
Time-Sensitive Pricing: Offer different pricing tiers based on the urgency of delivery. For example, provide faster delivery options at higher prices, catering to customers who require expedited or time-critical shipments.
Value-Added Services Pricing:Provide additional services such as package tracking, insurance, or signature confirmation for an extra fee. This allows customers to customize their delivery experience based on their needs.
Promotional Pricing:Occasionally, offer discounts, special offers, or promotions to attract new customers or encourage repeat business. This strategy can help you gain a competitive edge and increase customer loyalty.
Subscription-Based Pricing:Introduce a subscription model where customers pay a monthly or annual fee for a certain number of deliveries or access to discounted rates. This strategy can incentivize customers to choose your service repeatedly.
Chapter 5: Discussion on Various Aspects of the Research
Future perspectives and opinions
Emphasis on Sustainability: With growing environmental concerns, there is an increasing focus on sustainability in the logistics industry. Paper and parcel delivery businesses will likely face pressure to adopt eco-friendly practices such as electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, and packaging materials that are recyclable or biodegradable. Customers may also show preference for companies that prioritize sustainability, leading to a competitive advantage for those businesses that prioritize environmentally friendly operations.
Automation and Robotics: Advances in automation and robotics technology have the potential to transform the paper and parcel delivery industries. We may see increased utilization of autonomous delivery vehicles, drones, and robotic sorting systems. These technologies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enable faster and more accurate deliveries. However, regulatory challenges, safety concerns, and public acceptance may influence the pace of adoption.
Enhanced Tracking and Visibility: Customers are increasingly demanding real-time tracking and visibility of their deliveries. The use of advanced tracking technologies such as GPS, RFID, and IoT sensors will become more common. This will enable customers to track their parcels throughout the delivery process, enhancing transparency and providing a better customer experience.
On-Demand and Same-Day Delivery: The rise of e-commerce has led to higher customer expectations for faster delivery. Paper and parcel delivery businesses will likely need to offer on-demand and same-day delivery options to remain competitive. This may require optimizing logistics operations, strategically locating distribution centers, and leveraging technology to streamline processes.
Integration with E-commerce Platforms: Collaboration and integration with e-commerce platforms will continue to be essential for paper and parcel delivery businesses. Seamless integration with online marketplaces, such as providing shipping solutions, inventory management, and fulfillment services, will help capture a larger market share and cater to the growing e-commerce industry.
Customer Experience and Personalization: Providing an exceptional customer experience will be a key differentiator in the future. Paper and parcel delivery businesses will need to focus on personalized services, flexible delivery options, easy returns, and efficient customer support. Leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence can help optimize delivery routes, anticipate customer needs, and personalize the delivery experience.
Last-Mile Innovations: The last-mile delivery segment will continue to be a focal point for innovation. Companies may experiment with alternative delivery methods such as lockers, smart delivery boxes, neighborhood pickup points, or crowdsourced delivery networks to enhance convenience and address challenges related to urban congestion and delivery to remote areas.
Marketing Strategy
We need to employ a variety of marketing strategies to promote its services and maintain its position as a global courier company. We need to analyze the situation, and according to the situation, time, and other variables, we need to set up a marketing strategy. Here are a few, and the rest will be taken according to the variables.
1. Branding and Global Visibility: Paper And Parcel will emphasize building brand awareness and recognition. We will use our logo, along with our iconic delivery vehicles and uniforms, to create a consistent and easily recognizable brand identity. Paper And Parcel will also sponsor high-profile events and sports teams to increase its global visibility.
2. Customer-Centric Approach: Paper And Parcel will focus on providing excellent customer service and tailoring its solutions to meet individual customer needs. We will aim to develop long-term relationships with our customers by offering personalized services, efficient delivery options, and effective supply chain solutions.
3. Integrated Marketing Communications: Paper And Parcel will use a mix of marketing channels to reach its target audience. This includes traditional advertising methods such as television, print, and outdoor advertising, as well as digital channels like social media, online advertising, and email marketing. We will ensure a consistent message across these channels to maintain a strong brand presence.
4. Thought Leadership and Content Marketing: Paper And Parcel will make itself a thought leader in the logistics industry by producing and sharing informative content. It will create blog articles, whitepapers, and industry reports to provide insights and establish its expertise. These contents will often be shared through its website, social media channels, and email newsletters.
5. Sponsorships and Partnerships: Paper And Parcel will form strategic partnerships and sponsorships with various organizations and events to increase brand visibility. We will form partnerships with major sports teams.
6. Environmental Sustainability: Paper And Parcel will place a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and promote its green initiatives. We will actively communicate our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, use alternative fuels, and implement eco-friendly practices in our operations. This resonates with customers who prioritize sustainability and responsible business practices.
Financial and Ratio Analysis
Working capital Ratio:Working capital is the difference between a firm’s current assets and current liabilities: current assets minus current liabilities = working capital. The working capital ratio, like working capital, compares current assets to current liabilities and is a metric used to measure liquidity. The working capital ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities: current assets / current liabilities = working capital ratio.
Let's say that our company will have current assets of $8 million and current liabilities of $4 million. The working capital ratio is 2 ($8 million / $4 million). That's an indication of healthy short-term liquidity. A working capital ratio of 1 can imply that a company may have liquidity troubles and not be able to pay its short-term liabilities. But the trouble could be temporary and later improve.
A working capital ratio of 2 or higher can indicate healthy liquidity and the ability to pay shortterm liabilities, but it could also point to a company that has too much in short-term assets such as cash. Some of these assets might be better used to invest in the company or to pay shareholder dividends. We will try to gain 2 in the working capital ratio.
Quick Ratio:The quick ratio is also called the acid test. It's another measure of liquidity. It represents a company's ability to pay current liabilities with assets that can be converted to cash quickly.
The calculation for the quick ratio is current assets minus inventory minus prepaid expenses minus current liabilities (current assets minus inventory minus prepaid expenses divided by current liabilities). The formula removes inventory because it can take time to sell and convert inventory into liquid assets. For example, our company will have $8 million in current assets, $2 million in inventory and prepaid expenses, and $4 million in current liabilities. That means the quick ratio is 1.5 ($8 million minus $2 million minus $4 million). It indicates that the company has enough money to pay its bills and continue operating. A quick ratio of less than 1 can indicate that there aren't enough liquid assets to pay short-term liabilities. The company may have to raise capital or take other actions. On the other hand, it may be a temporary situation. We will always try to keep it above 1.
Profitability ratios:Profitability ratios are used to evaluate how much money our business will make or lose. These are the ratios to use when we want to know how much profit we are earning. Examples of profitability ratios:
The gross profit margin is the amount of money a company has left after paying all the direct costs of producing or purchasing the goods or services it sells. The higher the gross profit margin, the more money the company can afford for its indirect costs and other expenses like interest. The gross profit margin is expressed in dollars, while the gross profit margin ratio is shown as a percentage of revenue. Both are often referred to as gross margin. These ratios are used not only to evaluate the financial viability of our business but are also essential in comparing our business to others in our industry. Gross profit margin formula: The gross profit margin is calculated by subtracting direct expenses, or cost of goods sold (COGS), from net revenue (gross revenues minus returns, allowances, and discounts). That number is divided by net revenues, then multiplied by 100% to calculate the gross profit margin ratio.
Net profit margin:Net profit margin reveals the amount of profit we are taking in. It measures how much a company earns (usually after taxes) relative to its sales. A company with a higher net profit margin than its competitor is usually more efficient, flexible, and able to take on more. Net profit margin formula:
Return on total assets ratio:The return on total assets ratio calculates how well the company’s various resources (assets) are being used. The results of this ratio are often used to compare a business to its competitors. It should also be noted that average ratios will vary widely across different industries. Return on assets formula:
Return on equity:Return on equity (ROE) measures how well the business is doing in relation to the investments made. Like the return on total assets ratio, it is often used by business owners to compare how much the company is earning for each dollar invested in the company. It can also be useful for a business to examine the development of its own return on equity ratio over time. Return on equity formula: Return on equity is calculated by dividing a company’s earnings after taxes (EAT) by the total shareholders’ equity and then multiplying the result by 100%.
SWOT Analysis
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Chapter 6: Major Findings
What sectors and market segments does Easy To Fly operate in?
- » Easy To Fly serves the B2C space in the Transportation and Logistics technology market segments.
Which legal entities are our services associated with?
- » Easy To Fly parcel service is associated with one legal entity: Easy To Fly Pvt. Ltd.
Who are the investors in Easy To Fly?
- » Easy To Fly does not have any institutional investors. Easy To Fly does not have any Angel Investors.
Key Attributes Of our Parcel Delivery Service
- Customer satisfaction
- Speedy delivery to the doorstep
- Pricing structure
- Base rate
- Parcel tracking option
- Safety of parcels
6 Management Challenges Faced by our parcel service Company
- Inability to Manage Multiple Customers
- Delayed Deliveries
- Poor Visibility on the Courier Delivery Operations
- Dependency on Human Resources
- Keeping Customers Updated
- Delivering Goods Without Any Damage
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations
There is no question that parcel delivery services are booming, and we’re all using them more frequently. It’s commonplace for businesses, professionals, and most of us to use these services frequently without a second thought. The demand for parcel delivery services has considerably increased due to online shopping. Startups are running businesses on platforms, and the delivery of the products must meet customer demands and expectations. The competition is fierce in this industry, and parcel delivery service operators compete for business, from enterprises to startups. The critical areas of interest include security, the speed and condition of the goods arrival, and parcel tracking. Parcel service delivery is an operation that is of great importance. The service is expected to dominate the market and improve the organization's competitive advantage towards the achievement of its main goals and the future advancement of the new business market. Advanced technology is very significant in modern communication and transportation because it increases both reliability and efficiency. The courier service industry is among those sectors that have significantly benefited from sophisticated computer technology. Our parcel delivery service can operate on a variety of scales, for instance, within specific cities or towns or across regional and national boundaries.
Using better technology:The key lies in providing specialized services to customers that are down-to-earth and more personal. This is one way of expanding the potential for carving one’s niche for market penetration. The aim should be to be unique and try to differentiate the services from the rest of the competitors. Offering new features for tracking the order, custom packaging, and blending in other innovations grabs customer attention.
Understanding customers:Understanding customers is easier said than done. While the parcel delivery system may execute things technically from the back end, the customer's demands are better understood by conducting first-hand research. The most common of all their demands are:
Being accountable for the desired results:Our service company, equipped with services like delivery tracking software, will have to take responsibility. Our need to own the accountability of products while also ensuring a smooth relationship between both parties involved
Being proactiveis a way to stay ahead of what customers expect. Understanding customers is like understanding the market, and this is why each customer is important. Try anticipating problems from the customers’ end and solving them in advance.
Automating the processes: Our parcel delivery service company has to balance the additional staffing costs with profits. Hiring staff optimally is one thing, but nothing beats the call to automate the entire process. One way to tackle this is by getting route optimization software for parcel deliveries. This not only pleases the customers and sellers with fast delivery times but also shrinks the costs associated with hiring. And even for non-commercial deliveries, opting for on-demand delivery app development is a great workaround to mitigate the operational risks involved in manual logistic management for the deliveries.
Building a Seamless Communication System: The key is to provide customers with all the required information, updated along with the forecast on where and when the package will be delivered. Senders of parcels need to be notified of the status of their parcels. Recipients should also be notified when their parcels are due for delivery. Lack of delivery notifications creates uncertainty among clients regarding your services. Adopting such courier delivery tracking software will enable courier businesses to send package notifications automatically.
Strong logistics system:It's critical to have a strong logistics system that enables us to deliver items quickly to combat this and meet delivery dates. Additionally, work on a route-planning strategy that guarantees transparent and streamlined communication at all levels. Communication, transparency, and collaboration are essential to keeping consumers happy and reducing last-minute delivery issues.
(Azad et al., 2022; Farrell, 2020; Gomes et al., 2020; Knight et al., 2004; Laluma, 2007; Lucas, 1988; Morgan et al., 2018; Nasrullah et al., 2015; Rana et al., 2021; Scott and Vigar- Ellis, 2014; Srivastava & Sivaramakrishnan, 2022; Stalsberg et al., 2008; Tien, 2020; Walton, 2004; Zavattaro & Fay, 2019)
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- Quote paper
- Abu Hossen (Author), 2023, Efficient Document Delivery Service. "Easy to Fly" Launches Marketing in the United States, Munich, GRIN Verlag,