Radon is a radioactive gas that naturally occurs in soils worldwide. Radon can enter buildings through permeable materials and cracks and holes in walls and foundations. Being invisible and odorless, radon has the potential to infiltrate homes and accumulate, which can significantly increase the risk of lung cancer. Recently, more and more studies research the dangers of radon and policymakers begin to employ prevention and mitigation strategies against this silent killer. In my work, I will give a brief overview on the properties of radon, its current impact on human health, radon testing, mitigation strategies and policy.
Radon Gas – Issues and Solutions
I. Introduction
II. What is Radon?
A. Definition and properties of Radon
B. Formation and sources of Radon in indoor environments
C. Health effects of Radon exposure
III. Dangers of Radon in indoor environments
A. Radon as a cause of lung cancer
B. Health risks, different risk groups and their vulnerability
IV. Radon testing and measurement techniques
A. Radon measurement devices and their application in indoor environments
B. Interpretation of measurement results and threshold values
V. Protective measures against Radon
A. Preventive measures in new construction and renovation planning
B. Sealing of foundations and walls, ventilation, and radon mitigation systems
VI. Radon-related policy (in Germany)
VII. Conclusion
I. Introduction
Radon is a radioactive gas that naturally occurs in soils worldwide. Radon can enter buildings through permeable materials and cracks and holes in walls and foundations. Being invisible and odorless, radon has the potential to infiltrate homes and accumulate, which can significantly increase the risk of lung cancer. Recently, more and more studies research the dangers of radon and policymakers begin to employ prevention and mitigation strategies against this silent killer. In my work, I will give a brief overview on the properties of radon, its current impact on human health, radon testing, mitigation strategies and policy.
II. What is Radon?
A. Definition and properties of Radon
Radon was discovered in 1900 by German physicist Friedrich Ernst Dorn (The Linda Hall Library, 2022). It is a naturally occurring element with the atomic number 86. Radon is a radioactive, invisible, odorless and tasteless noble gas that is created when radium decays. Being a radioactive decay product of uranium and, directly, of radium, radon decays into polonium and at the end of its decay chain into stable lead. Radon has a half-life of 3.8 days and is soluble in water (Wikipedia Contributors, 2023).
B. Formation and sources of Radon in indoor environments
Radon appears in soils worldwide due to the decay of uranium and radium. Being a gas, radon will move upward and eventually reach the surface. On a clear surface, wind disperses radon quickly, but when radon forms beneath buildings, it can enter them through permeable materials and cracks and holes in walls and the foundation. Since radon is denser than air, it will accumulate especially in low-level rooms (Minnesota Department of Health, 2022, p.5). Although radon movement inside the soil depends on various factors such as moisture content, temperature or fractures, the type of soil in which radon is released determines the most how fast it can rise. While sandy soils are very permeable not only for water, but also for radon, a clay-rich soil delays the time that radon needs to escape potentially the most. If the soil “succeeds” in keeping radon underground for 3.8 days, already half of it has decayed and cannot enter buildings as a gas anymore.
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Radon pathways into a house (Minnesota Department of Health, 2022)
Radon concentrations of more than 100.000 Bq/m[3] in the first (cubic) meter of soil can be found all around the globe. However, in the air above the soil, radon rarely reaches concentrations of more than 30 Bq/m[3] as it is quickly dispersed by wind (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, 2023). Average radon concentrations inside buildings vary between 10 Bq/m[3] and 10.000 Bq/m[3] (WHO, 2023).
C. Health effects of Radon exposure
Radon gas is omnipresent on Earth's surface, resulting in continuous exposure. Radon concentrations inside and outside of buildings are typically below harmful levels. However, approximately 10% of Germans face a significant health risk from radon (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, 2023). While their vulnerability will be explained in detail later, it should be said that long-term exposure to radon gas primarily results in lung cancer (Minnesota Department of Health, 2022, p.4).
III. Dangers of Radon in indoor environments
A. Radon as a cause of lung cancer
Radon, a radioactive element, rapidly decays, emitting dangerous alpha radiation that can harm the lungs. Decay products like polonium and other radioactive atoms continue the decay chain, exposing the lungs to further radiation until reaching stable lead. The high potential of alpha radiation to damage DNA double-strands makes it a key contributor to the increased cancer risk (Riudavets et al., 2022, p.6-7).
B. Health risks, different risk groups and their vulnerability
Radon gas, the second leading cause of lung cancer globally, takes more than 20,000 lives annually in the United States alone (Minnesota Department of Health, 2022, p.4). Increased lung cancer risk is observed with long-term exposure to radon levels above 100 Bq/m[3] (Angell et al., 2009, p.11). The risk escalates proportionally to gas exposure, rising by 16% per 100 Bq/m[3] (WHO, 2023). Individuals spending significant time in areas with radon concentrations exceeding 100 Bq/m[3] are at risk, especially certain occupational groups like uranium mine workers (Richardson et al., 2022) and water-plant operators (Fisher et al., 1996). Synergistically, radon and smoking heighten lung cancer risk. Smokers exposed to high radon levels face greater risks than those in radon-free environments, and non-smokers exposed to both environmental tobacco smoke and radon also exhibit increased lung cancer rates (Lagarde et al., 2001).
IV. Radon testing and measurement techniques
A. Radon measurement devices and their application in indoor environments
Radon measurements are easy and inexpensive. There are three steps in which the radon concentration in indoor environments is being measured. To keep this essay short, and because it would extend the scope of my work, I will not explain in detail how the measurements take place. Further information can be found here1 and here2.
Radon testing involves the placement of a passive measuring device inside the building, preferably in rooms with anticipated high radon concentrations, for a minimum of three months, ideally 12 months. Additional devices can create more comprehensive data. The collected devices are subsequently dispatched to a laboratory for analysis (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, 2023). In the event of elevated radon levels, a screening procedure conducted by experts promptly identifies specific "hot-spots" within hours. Furthermore, experts employ a concise "radon-sniffing" technique to swiftly ascertain the precise locations of radon pathways within minutes (LUBW, 2023).
B. Interpretation of measurement results and threshold values
Radon levels below which one is considered "safe" do not exist. The risk of lung cancer increases by 16% per 100 Bq/m[3] (Section III B). However, radon-induced lung cancer risk is considered tolerable below 100 Bq/m[3]. If low-level rooms with minimal occupancy, such as storage basements, show high radon levels but frequently used rooms are safe, no immediate action is required. Nevertheless, regular testing should be considered. Radon concentrations above 100 Bq/m[3], particularly exceeding 300 Bq/m[3] in frequently used rooms, require radon mitigation.
V. Protective measures against Radon
A. Preventive measures in new construction and renovation planning
Ideally, radon prevention begins before the construction of a new building. A rule of thumb is that any waterproof construction element is also radon-proof. Radon-drainage systems can be installed when constructing a house in a radon-rich environment. Also, suction effects must be regulated as e.g., in designing a specific air supply for chimneys to prevent uncontrolled air suction through the floor (Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, 2019).
B. Sealing of foundations and walls, ventilation, and radon mitigation systems
Mitigating lung cancer risk associated with radon exposure can be achieved through practical and cost-effective measures. Adapting the utilization patterns of low-level rooms, such as repurposing basements as storage spaces and relocating essential living areas to higher levels, proves beneficial. This approach necessitates maintaining low radon concentrations in upper levels while ensuring a hermetic seal for basement access. Adequate ventilation is recommended to facilitate efficient air exchange with the external environment.
Furthermore, sealing identified cracks in foundations and walls plays a crucial role in preventing radon ingress. For a comprehensive and long-term solution, the implementation of radon mitigation systems is highly recommended. These systems, albeit incurring considerable costs, ranging up to ten thousand euros in Germany (Baubiologie-Regional.de, 2019), demonstrate remarkable efficacy in extracting radon from indoor air. By deploying mechanisms such as sub-surface radon extraction through ventilators and the installation of impermeable barriers beneath foundations or between "second floors," the entrapment of radon gas is ensured, significantly reducing its presence in the indoor environment (Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, 2019).
It is important to note that high air fluctuation beneath the house resulting from ventilation may cause a decline in soil humidity. This moisture reduction can have adverse consequences, particularly in clay-rich soils, where it may lead to reduced pore volume and potential destabilization of the building's foundation. Thus, a holistic understanding of the interplay between radon mitigation strategies, air exchange, and soil conditions is essential to ensure the long-term stability and safety of the structure.
VI. Radon-related policy (in Germany)
Radon counts as the second largest cause for lung cancer and related deaths worldwide. Adequate protection is therefore needed to ensure a high quality of living and to minimize pain and death caused by this silent killer. The WHO recommends testing homes and workplaces and to act against radon gas at levels above 100 Bq/m[3].
Germany adopted the EU policy on radon gas, recommending to keep levels below 300 Bq/m[3]. There is no law addressing private homes, but one that requires employers in so-called radon-precaution areas to keep radon in the ambient air below 300 Bq/m[3] on workplaces (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit, 2019, p.21).
On a global level, it must be mentioned that Germany, by providing information about radon and by beginning to create standards for buildings, performs well. However, the United States and the United Kingdom have shown that more can be done than workplace regulations: By introducing a radon awareness week to increase public awareness for the issue3,4.
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Image from the 2023 US campaign against radon gas (https://www.cdc.gov/radon/awareness.html)
VII. Conclusion
Radon is a naturally occurring gas that will be around human beings for as long as there is uranium inside soils. Radon threatens human life by creating carcinogenic radiation and through its decay products. It is not sensible but counts as the second biggest cause for lung cancer and related deaths worldwide. However, we are today able to measure radon concentrations cheaply and efficiently. Additionally, we know about how radon enters buildings and how we can protect ourselves from it.
I argue that radon protection must become a major issue in health politics. The German government must focus on decreasing radon-related cases of lung cancer. This can be achieved through various measures such as raising public awareness, subsidies for radon tests, maximum levels for rental apartments and financial support for radon mitigation.
In conclusion, prioritizing radon protection through public awareness, testing subsidies, regulation of radon levels in rental apartments, and financial support for mitigation is crucial for reducing radon-related lung cancer cases and ensuring a healthier future.
Angell, W. W., Zeeb, H., & Shannon, F. J. (2009). WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon: A Public Health Perspective. World Health Organization. Retrieved June 22, 2023, from https://experts.umn.edu/en/publications/who-handbook-on-indoor-radon-a-public-health-perspective
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU). (2019). Radonmaßnahmenplan zur nachhaltigen Verringerung der Exposition gegenüber Radon.
Fisher, E. L., Fuortes, L. J., & Field, R. D. (1996). Occupational Exposure of Water-Plant Operators to High Concentrations of Radon-222 Gas. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 38 (8), 759–764. https://doi.org/10.1097/00043764-199608000-00010
Friedrich Dorn - Linda Hall Library. (2022, July 26). The Linda Hall Library. https://www.lindahall.org/about/news/scientist-of-the-day/friedrich-dorn
Lagarde, F., Axelsson, G., Damber, L., Mellander, H., Nyberg, F., & Pershagen, G. (2001). Residential Radon and Lung Cancer among Never-Smokers in Sweden. Epidemiology, 12 (4), 396–404. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001648-200107000-00009
Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg. (2019). Von Grund auf sicher: Radonsicher bauen. https://um.baden-wuerttemberg.de/fileadmin/redaktion/m-um/intern/Dateien/Dokumente/2_Presse_und_Service/Publikationen/Umwelt/190919-Praesentation-Radonsicher-bauen-barrierefrei.pdf
Minnesota Department of Health. (2022). Keeping you safe from radon.
Radonkonzentration sinkt durch Absauganlage unter hundert Bequerel - Baubiologie-Regional.de. (2019, May 10). Baubiologie-Regional. Retrieved June 22, 2023, from https://www.baubiologie-regional.de/news/radonkonzentration-sinkt-durch-absauganlage-unter-hundert-bequerel-956.html
Radon in buildings. (2023) . Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz. https://www.bfs.de/EN/topics/ion/environment/radon/occurrence/buildings.html
Radon in the soil. (2023). Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz. https://www.bfs.de/EN/topics/ion/environment/radon/occurrence/soil.html
Radon measuring devices. (2023). Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz. https://www.bfs.de/EN/topics/ion/environment/radon/protection/measuring-devices.html
Richardson, D. J., Rage, E., Demers, P. A., T, M., DO, Fenske, N., Deffner, V., Kreuzer, M., Samet, J. M., Bertke, S. J., Kelly-Reif, K., Schubauer-Berigan, M. K., Tomasek, L., Zablotska, L. B., Wiggins, C. L., & Laurier, D. (2022). Lung Cancer and Radon: Pooled Analysis of Uranium Miners Hired in 1960 or Later. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130 (5). https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp10669
Riudavets, M., De Herreros, M. G., Besse, B., & Mezquita, L. (2022). Radon and Lung Cancer: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Cancers, 14 (13), 3142. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14133142
Wie messe ich Radon? - LUBW. (2023). LUBW. https://www.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/radioaktivitaet/wie-messe-ich-radon
Wikipedia contributors. (2023). Radon. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radon
World Health Organization: WHO. (2023). Radon. www.who.int. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/radon-and-health
Other sources:
1: https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/36/010/36010924.pdf
2: https://www.bfs.de/EN/topics/ion/environment/radon/protection/measuring-devices.html;jsessionid=FB8983C5DFB3E450C2F78996F5382494.2_cid374
3: https://www.cdc.gov/radon/awareness.html
4: https://radonweek.co.uk/
1 https://www.bfs.de/EN/topics/ion/environment/radon/protection/measuring-devices.html;jsessionid=FB8983C5DFB3E450C2F78996F5382494.2_cid374
2 https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/36/010/36010924.pdf
3 https://www.cdc.gov/radon/awareness.html
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu "Radon Gas – Issues and Solutions"
Was ist Radon?
Radon ist ein natürlich vorkommendes, radioaktives, unsichtbares, geruchloses und geschmackloses Edelgas, das beim Zerfall von Radium entsteht.
Woher kommt Radon in Innenräumen?
Radon entsteht durch den Zerfall von Uran und Radium in Böden weltweit. Als Gas steigt es auf und kann durch permeable Materialien, Risse und Löcher in Wänden und Fundamenten in Gebäude eindringen. Da Radon schwerer als Luft ist, sammelt es sich besonders in tiefliegenden Räumen an.
Welche gesundheitlichen Risiken birgt Radon?
Langfristige Radonexposition ist hauptsächlich mit Lungenkrebs verbunden. Radon ist die zweithäufigste Ursache für Lungenkrebs weltweit.
Wie kann man Radon messen?
Radonmessungen sind einfach und kostengünstig. Passive Messgeräte werden in Räumen mit erwarteten hohen Radonkonzentrationen platziert. Nach einer bestimmten Zeit werden die Geräte zur Analyse an ein Labor geschickt. Experten können auch mit einer "Radon-Schnüffel"-Technik Radonpfade schnell lokalisieren.
Gibt es "sichere" Radonwerte?
Es gibt keine Radonwerte, unterhalb derer man als "sicher" gilt. Das Lungenkrebsrisiko steigt mit der Radonkonzentration. Werte unter 100 Bq/m[3] werden jedoch im Allgemeinen als tolerierbar angesehen. Ab 300 Bq/m[3] in häufig genutzten Räumen sind Maßnahmen zur Radonsanierung erforderlich.
Wie kann man sich vor Radon schützen?
Radonprävention beginnt idealerweise beim Neubau. Wasserdichte Konstruktionselemente sind auch radonproof. Radondrainagesysteme können installiert werden. Vorhandene Gebäude können durch Abdichtung von Fundamenten und Wänden, Belüftung und den Einsatz von Radonminderungssystemen geschützt werden. Die Umnutzung von Kellerräumen (z.B. als Lager) kann ebenfalls hilfreich sein.
Welche Radon-Politik gibt es in Deutschland?
Deutschland hat die EU-Politik zu Radon übernommen und empfiehlt, die Werte unter 300 Bq/m[3] zu halten. Es gibt keine Gesetze für Privathäuser, aber ein Gesetz, das Arbeitgeber in sogenannten Radon-Vorsorgegebieten verpflichtet, Radon in der Umgebungsluft an Arbeitsplätzen unter 300 Bq/m[3] zu halten.
Was sind Radon-Vorsorgegebiete?
Radon-Vorsorgegebiete sind Gebiete, in denen aufgrund geologischer Beschaffenheit erhöhte Radonkonzentrationen im Boden zu erwarten sind. Die Bundesländer in Deutschland legen diese Gebiete fest.
Wie effektiv sind Radonminderungssysteme?
Radonminderungssysteme können sehr effektiv sein, um Radon aus der Raumluft zu entfernen. Sie können jedoch kostspielig sein (bis zu zehntausend Euro in Deutschland). Durch Mechanismen wie die oberflächennahe Radonabsaugung durch Ventilatoren und die Installation von undurchlässigen Barrieren unter Fundamenten wird das Radon eingeschlossen und die Radonbelastung in Innenräumen deutlich reduziert.
Was sollte ich tun, wenn ich in meinem Haus hohe Radonwerte messe?
Wenn Sie in häufig genutzten Räumen Radonwerte über 100 Bq/m³ oder insbesondere über 300 Bq/m³ messen, sollten Sie Maßnahmen zur Radonsanierung ergreifen. Wenden Sie sich an einen Experten, um die geeigneten Maßnahmen für Ihr Haus zu bestimmen.
- Quote paper
- Henri Zimmer (Author), 2023, Radon Gas. Issues and Solutions, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.hausarbeiten.de/document/1450628