The study examines the perception of university students regarding cyberbullying and its effects on university student’s social behaviors in Nigeria. The study utilized the basic qualitative design to determine the perceptions of 18 university students regarding cyberbullying in Nigeria. The Interview method was used as an instrument for data collection. The interviews were designed based on the two research questions that guided the study. First and second coding were used to analyze the responses of the participants. The findings revealed that university students in Nigeria perceived adequate knowledge and awareness regarding cyberbullying. In addition, the students affirmed the effects of cyberbullying to include encouraging stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, poor sleep, school phobias, alcohol, smoking behavior, substance abuse and lowered self-esteem, eating habits, reading interest, and commitment to academic activities among university students in Nigeria. Based on these findings, one would reasonably conclude that university students in Nigeria are possibly aware of the effects of cyberbullying among university students in Nigeria. The findings of this study also provide Nigerian legislators to enact relevant laws, sanctions, and enforcement. This would provide a clear direction to the activities of young Nigerians in cyberspace. The study therefore proposed adequate awareness, sensitization, and enforcement of cyber laws in Nigeria.
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- Dr. Timothy Oziegbe Okpeku (Author), Prof. Julius Omonzuanvbo Ihonvbere (Author), 2023, Cyberbullying among University Students in Nigeria, Munich, GRIN Verlag,