This book aims to address this gap by delving into the epistemological dimensions of Christian social work. It seeks to understand how the integration of faith and knowledge influences social work theory, practice, and research within a Christian context. By exploring the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice, we can gain insights into the uniqueness of Christian social work and identify potential areas for further development.
Christian social work is an interdisciplinary field that integrates the principles of Christianity with social work practice. It seeks to address the holistic needs of individuals, families, communities, and societies, guided by faith-based values and ethical frameworks. The epistemological foundations of Christian social work explore the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice. Understanding how these dimensions intertwine is crucial in developing effective approaches to social work within a Christian context.
Social work, as a profession, is rooted in the values of social justice, dignity, and the well-being of all individuals. The integration of faith into social work practice has a long history, with faith-based organizations and individuals playing significant roles in providing compassionate care and advocating for marginalized populations. However, the specific epistemological foundations, or ways of knowing, that underpin Christian social work have not been extensively explored.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Theoretical Frameworks in Christian Social Work
- Chapter 3: Epistemology and Christian Worldview
- Chapter 4: Ethics, Values, and Christian Social Work
- Chapter 5: Empirical studies on Christian Social Work in Practice
- Chapter 6: Conclusion (Implications of Christian social work for social work education, policy development, and the professional identity of Christian social workers)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This book aims to fill the gap in the understanding of the epistemological foundations of Christian social work, focusing on how faith and knowledge influence social work theory, practice, and research within a Christian context.
- Examining the theoretical frameworks and models employed in Christian social work.
- Analyzing the influence of Christian epistemology on the acquisition and production of knowledge in social work practice.
- Understanding the role of faith and spirituality in promoting social justice, compassion, and holistic well-being.
- Exploring the intersection of Christian perspectives with professional knowledge and practice.
- Identifying potential areas for further development in Christian social work.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of Christian social work and its core principles, highlighting the need to further explore the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice. It also discusses the background and significance of the study, outlining the objectives and key areas of investigation.
- Chapter 2: Theoretical Frameworks in Christian Social Work This chapter delves into the theoretical foundations of Christian social work, examining various frameworks and models that integrate Christian perspectives. It explores how these frameworks influence the understanding and practice of social work in a faith-based context.
- Chapter 3: Epistemology and Christian Worldview This chapter analyzes the epistemological dimensions of Christian social work, examining the ways in which faith influences the acquisition and production of knowledge in this field. It explores the relationship between Christian worldview and social work practice, shedding light on the unique perspectives and methodologies employed by Christian social workers.
- Chapter 4: Ethics, Values, and Christian Social Work This chapter examines the ethical considerations and values that underpin Christian social work. It discusses the role of Christian principles in guiding ethical decision-making and practice, highlighting the importance of integrity, compassion, and social justice in this field.
- Chapter 5: Empirical studies on Christian Social Work in Practice This chapter presents empirical research findings on the effectiveness and impact of Christian social work practice. It explores real-world examples of how faith-based approaches have been implemented and evaluated, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges of integrating Christian principles into social work practice.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This work explores the epistemological foundations of Christian social work, focusing on the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice. Key terms include: Christian social work, epistemology, Christian worldview, ethical frameworks, social justice, holistic well-being, faith-based perspectives, empirical studies, and professional identity.
- Quote paper
- Pitshou Moleka (Author), 2023, Epistemological Foundations of Christian Social Work. The Intersection of Faith, Knowledge and Practice, Munich, GRIN Verlag,