This study explores the effectiveness of different analytic tools in promoting Evidence-based public health (EBPH). Evidence-based public health is a concept that emphasizes the use of scientific evidence in decision-making processes related to public health. To promote the uptake of EBPH, various analytic tools can be employed. Systematic reviews and economic evaluations can be used to help promote evidence-based practices.
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which are the gold standard in evidence-based medicine when it comes to public health, may not always be practical or appropriate for evaluating public health initiatives. The complexity of public health initiatives, which frequently target communities rather than individuals, as well as the significance of context and social determinants of health, must be taken into consideration.
To integrate many evidence sources and handle the complexity of public health, other methodologies and analytical tools are required. Although these tools provide insightful information for practitioners and policymakers, they still require improvement in order to address complicated public health issues and incorporate a variety of evidence sources
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Discussion and Implications
- Conclusion
- References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study examines the effectiveness of various analytical tools in promoting evidence-based public health (EBPH). It explores how these tools can facilitate the integration of scientific evidence into public health decision-making processes.
- The importance of evidence-based public health
- Different analytic tools for promoting EBPH
- The role of systematic reviews and economic evaluations
- Capacity building for evidence-based public health
- The effectiveness of analytic tools in promoting EBPH
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction provides an overview of the concept of evidence-based public health and the need for analytic tools to promote its implementation. It highlights the importance of using scientific evidence to inform public health decision-making processes.
The discussion and implications chapter delves into the effectiveness of various analytic tools in promoting the adoption of EBPH. It discusses the benefits and limitations of systematic reviews, economic evaluations, and other tools that contribute to evidence-based public health practice.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key focus topics and concepts explored in this text include evidence-based public health, analytic tools, systematic reviews, economic evaluations, capacity building, and scientific evidence. These terms reflect the core themes and research interests related to promoting the use of evidence in public health decision-making.
- Quote paper
- Awung Nkeze Elvis (Author), 2023, Evaluation of different Analytic Tools for promoting Evidence-Based Public Health, Munich, GRIN Verlag,