This term paper is set out to investigate in what aspects consumerism forms an identity and to what degree it affects modern society. In order to gather information and data, this research project will look at different Instagram accounts and groups, like "richkids__official" or "women_luxurys_life". How do they advertise certain products and in what way do these people represent themselves within a particular picture. Simultaneously, this term paper will explain the consequences of consumerism on businesses, society in general and people’s mental health. Sources that will be needed to answer these questions, are going to be Yiannis Gabriel and Tim Lang’s "The Unmanageable Consumer. Contemporary Consumption and its Fragmentations" from 1995, in which the different functions of a consumer are thoroughly explained and analysed. In addition, J.D. Forbes’ "The Consumer Interest", published 1987, defines different sections in which consumerism influences society. Using these sources and explanations, this research project will try to answer the question of how consumerism forms an identity, and to what degree it thereby affects society.
"I’m just a girl standing in front of a photo asking it to be Instagram worthy." The quote above is a re-written version of Notting Hill’s famous sentence "I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her". Comparing these situations, it can be interpreted as though the "re-written girl" just wants to have a photo worthy for Instagram in order to be loved. Therefore, this quote tells more about society than just a girl wanting to look pretty online. Nowadays, almost every person, who is able to go online, has at least heard or even registered on one or more social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Consumerism
- Social Media
- Consequences of Consumerism and Social Media on
- Businesses
- Society and Social Media
- Mental Health
- Discussion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This term paper investigates how consumerism shapes identity and its impact on modern society. The research analyzes Instagram accounts and groups to understand how they advertise products and represent themselves. It also explores the consequences of consumerism on businesses, society, and mental health.
- The formation of identity through consumerism.
- The role of social media in shaping consumer behavior and identity.
- The impact of consumerism on businesses and their advertising strategies.
- The societal consequences of consumerism and its influence on social structures.
- The effects of consumerism and social media on mental health.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Introduction: The introduction uses a reworded quote from Notting Hill to illustrate how the pursuit of Instagram-worthy images reflects a societal obsession with external validation. It sets the stage by highlighting the pervasiveness of social media and its role in shaping perceptions of success and happiness, particularly through showcasing wealth and luxury goods. The paper's objective is clearly defined: to explore the relationship between consumerism, identity formation, and the impact on modern society. The methodology involves analyzing social media accounts and utilizing existing literature on consumerism to answer key research questions.
Consumerism: This chapter delves into the multifaceted nature of consumerism, tracing the evolution of the term "consume" from negative connotations to its current association with pleasure, freedom, and enjoyment. It identifies five key aspects of consumerism: a moral doctrine in developed countries, an ideology of conspicuous consumption, an economic ideology for global development, a political ideology, and a social movement protecting consumer rights. The chapter emphasizes the significance of the freedom to choose in modern consumption, setting the stage for the subsequent exploration of social media's role in this freedom and its consequences.
Social Media: This chapter traces the historical development of social media, highlighting its evolution from niche technological platforms to inclusive spaces for content creation, sharing, and interaction. It emphasizes the social change driven by the empowerment of individuals to express themselves and engage in online discourse. The chapter expands the definition of social media beyond familiar platforms like Facebook and Twitter, encompassing a wider range of online spaces where content is shared and exchanged, laying the groundwork for the analysis of its effects on consumerism and society.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Consumerism, identity, social media, advertising, mental health, society, conspicuous consumption, social change, freedom of choice, Instagram, wealth, luxury.
FAQ: Comprehensive Language Preview - Consumerism, Social Media, and Identity
What is the overall topic of this academic paper preview?
This preview summarizes a term paper exploring the complex interplay between consumerism, social media, and identity formation in modern society. It examines how consumerism shapes identity, the role of social media in influencing consumer behavior, and the consequences of these trends on businesses, society, and mental health.
What are the key themes explored in the paper?
The key themes include the formation of identity through consumerism, the influence of social media on consumer behavior and identity, the impact of consumerism on business advertising strategies, the societal consequences of consumerism, and the effects of consumerism and social media on mental health.
What is the methodology used in the paper?
The paper analyzes Instagram accounts and groups to understand how they advertise products and represent themselves. It also utilizes existing literature on consumerism to support its analysis and answer key research questions.
What are the main chapters covered in the paper preview?
The preview includes summaries of the Introduction, Consumerism, Social Media, and a chapter detailing the consequences of consumerism and social media on businesses, society, and mental health. It also includes a Discussion chapter (details not provided in the preview).
How does the introduction set the stage for the paper?
The introduction uses a quote from the movie Notting Hill to illustrate the societal obsession with external validation, particularly as seen in the pursuit of Instagram-worthy images. It highlights the pervasiveness of social media and its role in shaping perceptions of success and happiness through the display of wealth and luxury goods.
What are the key aspects of consumerism discussed in the paper?
The paper defines consumerism as a multifaceted concept, including its evolution from negative connotations to an association with pleasure and freedom; it identifies consumerism as a moral doctrine, an ideology of conspicuous consumption, an economic ideology for global development, a political ideology, and a social movement protecting consumer rights. The significance of freedom of choice in modern consumption is also highlighted.
How does the paper address social media?
The chapter on social media traces its historical development, emphasizing its evolution from niche platforms to inclusive spaces for content creation and interaction. It highlights the social change resulting from increased individual empowerment in self-expression and online discourse. The definition of social media is broadened beyond popular platforms to encompass a wide range of online content sharing spaces.
What are the consequences of consumerism and social media addressed in the paper?
The paper explores the consequences of consumerism and social media on businesses (advertising strategies), society (social structures), and mental health (the psychological impact).
What are the keywords associated with this paper?
The keywords include: Consumerism, identity, social media, advertising, mental health, society, conspicuous consumption, social change, freedom of choice, Instagram, wealth, luxury.
Where can I find the full paper?
The provided text is a preview only. The full paper is not included here.
- Quote paper
- Leonie Quicker (Author), 2019, Effects of Consumerism on Modern Society. In what Aspects does Consumerism form an Identity?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,