This paper analyses institutionalism and the role of institutions in politics. The widely understood institutionalism is an interdisciplinary research area, of which institutions are the central issue. Approaches used in this area are divided into "old" and "new", also the division into classic and contemporary approaches is used.
In practice, there are at least several research trends in various disciplines of social sciences, which is referred to as "new institutionalism." They differ in paradigmatic basis, main research problems or applied methods. The common ground is the belief in the key role of institutions in shaping social, economic and political life. In total, these trends constitute a renaissance of interest in this subject. The new institutionalism, as a fully-fledged (institutionalized) perspective, created a new paradigm (especially in the field of economics), which was formed for good in the 1980s.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Institutionalism in a historical context
- New institutionalism
- The role of institutions in political life
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This text delves into the field of institutionalism, a cross-disciplinary study focused on the role of institutions in shaping social, economic, and political life. The text compares and contrasts "old" and "new" institutionalism, examining their respective approaches, research problems, and methodologies. It highlights the enduring significance of institutions in understanding both historical and contemporary political processes.
- The evolution of institutionalism from historical to contemporary perspectives
- The impact of institutions on political behavior and decision-making
- The interplay between institutions, actors, and historical contexts
- The relationship between formal and informal rules and norms in shaping political life
- The limitations of traditional institutionalism and the rise of new approaches
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the field of institutionalism, defining its core concepts and outlining the key divisions within the field. It emphasizes the importance of institutions in understanding various aspects of social life.
- Institutionalism in a historical context: This chapter examines the historical roots of institutionalism, emphasizing the role of context and historical processes in shaping contemporary political phenomena. It highlights the importance of understanding the historical path of political evolution.
- New institutionalism: This chapter delves into the emergence and characteristics of "new" institutionalism, discussing its paradigmatic basis, research problems, and methods. It explores how this approach has revolutionized the understanding of institutions in various social science disciplines.
- The role of institutions in political life: This chapter examines the specific ways in which institutions shape political life, focusing on their influence on actors, decision-making processes, and the overall political agenda. It analyzes the interplay between institutions, rules, and norms.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This text focuses on the key concepts of institutionalism, encompassing historical and contemporary perspectives, the impact of institutions on political behavior, the interplay between institutions, actors, and contexts, and the role of both formal and informal rules and norms in shaping political life.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2023, Institutionalism and the Role of Institutions in Politics. How is Power Understood Differently in New Approaches?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,