To assess the Tea Party Movement’s appropriation of the historically incorrect myth of the Founding Fathers, it is of importance to question why Palin and Cruz mythologize these historical figures and to not only explore the effects of this deification on Tea Partiers and sympathizers but also how it reinforces incorrect convictions about the Founders in American culture.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Context: The Tea Party Movement, its Principles, and the Role of the Constitution
- Primary Source Analysis
- Conclusion
- Works Cited
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper examines the mythologization of the Founding Fathers within the Tea Party Movement, analyzing the rhetoric of prominent figures like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin. It explores how this mythologization serves to legitimize the movement's political beliefs and strengthen group identity. The paper argues that the Tea Party Movement, while not solely responsible for this idealization, appropriates the cultural memory of the Founders to promote its ideology.
- The role of cultural memory in shaping political movements
- The mythologization of the Founding Fathers by the Tea Party Movement
- The use of historical figures to legitimize contemporary political beliefs
- The impact of mythologization on the perception of the Founding Fathers
- The relationship between the Tea Party Movement and the Constitution
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the topic of the Tea Party Movement and its use of the Founding Fathers as a symbol of its political ideology. It examines how the movement's rhetoric relies on a romanticized and inaccurate depiction of the Founders, highlighting the potential impact of this mythologization on American culture.
- Context: The Tea Party Movement, its Principles, and the Role of the Constitution: This chapter provides a background on the Tea Party Movement, focusing on its core principles, including limited government, unchallenged U.S. sovereignty, and constitutional originalism. It discusses the movement's appropriation of revolutionary symbolism and its reliance on a perceived "original intent" of the Constitution.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This study delves into the Tea Party Movement, analyzing the mythologization of the Founding Fathers and its connection to American cultural memory. Key terms include: cultural memory, historical figures, political rhetoric, mythologization, Founding Fathers, Tea Party Movement, Constitution, limited government, and original intent.
- Quote paper
- Laura Kraus (Author), 2022, The Tea Party Movement and the Mythologization of the Founding Fathers, Munich, GRIN Verlag,