This study aims to assess the correlation between teachers’ perception and practice in using literary texts to teach reading skills in the case of Ethio-national school, School of Indiana and Seattle academy in Addis Ababa.
For this study, correlation design and both quantitative and qualitative data analyses approaches were employed. The samples were 43 teachers selected using comprehensive sampling. Questionnaire, classroom observation and focus group discussion were data collection tools.
Both descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation) are used to analyze the quantitative data and thematic narration for qualitative. The findings of the study reveal that most of the respondents perceive using literary texts in teaching reading positively. In spite of their good perceptions, their practices of using literary texts in teaching reading were infrequent.
The relationship between teachers’ perception and their actual practices were positively correlated, but the degree of their correlation was weak. Thus, it is possible to recommend that teachers should use all literary materials included in the text to teach reading skill.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- General Objectives
- Research Questions
- The Scope of the Study
- Significance of the Study
- Research Methodology
- Research Design
- Population of the study
- Sample and Sampling Technique
- Data Collection Instruments
- Questionnaire
- Classroom Observation
- Focus Group discussion
- Validity and Reliability of the Instruments
- Validity of the Instruments
- Reliability of the Instruments
- Data Collection Procedures
- Data Analysis Technique
- Discussion of Results
- Quantitative Data Analysis
- Teachers' Questionnaire
- Analysis of Classroom Observation
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- Open-ended Questionnaires Data Analysis
- Focus Group Discussion Results
- Discussions of Results
- EFL Teachers' Perceptions about using literary text in teaching reading
- Quantitative Data Analysis
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between teachers' perceptions and practices in using literary texts for teaching reading skills in select schools in Addis Ababa. The research employs a correlational design with both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches. The study focuses on identifying the teachers' perceptions of literary texts in teaching reading and how these perceptions are reflected in their actual classroom practices.
- Teachers' perception of the value of using literary texts in teaching reading skills
- Teachers' actual practices in utilizing literary texts for reading instruction
- The correlation between teachers' perception and their practice of using literary texts
- The effectiveness of literary texts in promoting reading skills among students
- The role of literary texts in enhancing language development and comprehension.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction chapter presents the background and context of the study, highlighting the importance of reading skills and the role of literary texts in English language education. It outlines the study's general objectives, research questions, scope, and significance. The research methodology chapter details the study's design, sample selection, data collection instruments, validity and reliability measures, and data analysis techniques. The discussion of results chapter presents both quantitative and qualitative findings, analyzing data from teachers' questionnaires, classroom observations, and focus group discussions. The chapter examines the teachers' perceptions about using literary texts in teaching reading and the relationship between these perceptions and their actual practices.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The study's main focus is on the relationship between teachers' perception and practice of utilizing literary texts for teaching reading skills. Key concepts include reading comprehension, literary texts, EFL teaching, perception, practice, classroom instruction, and language development. The research delves into the impact of teachers' beliefs and actions on student learning outcomes, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of teachers' perceptions and their influence on classroom practices.
- Quote paper
- Dawit Dibekulu (Author), Ayele Tsehayneh (Author), 2022, Teachers' Perception and Practice of Using Literary Texts to teach Reading Skills, Munich, GRIN Verlag,