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y-balance test
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Romance Studies - Spanish Studies
Leadership and Human Resources - Miscellaneous
Sport - Kinematics and Training Theory
Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance
Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing
Leadership and Human Resources - Generation Y, Generation Z
Romance Studies - Latin American Studies
Psychology - Work, Business, Organisation
French Studies - Literature
Sociology - Work, Education, Organisation
Business economics - Accounting and Taxes
Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting
Business economics - Investment and Finance
Politics - Region: Middle and South America
Business economics - General
Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology
English Language and Literature Studies - Literature
Business economics - Miscellaneous
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 20th century
Psychology - Intelligence and Learning Psychology
Pedagogy - School Pedagogics
Communications - Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Social M...
English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics
Pedagogy - School System, Educational and School Politics
Pedagogy - General
Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security
Social Work
Computer Science - Applied
Economics - Finance
Didactics - Spanish
Business economics - Controlling
Didactics for the subject French - Literature, Works
French Studies - Culture
German Studies - Modern German Literature
Business economics - Economic Policy
French Studies - Linguistics
Environmental Sciences
Didactics - Common Didactics, Educational Objectives, Methods
Sociology - Individual, Groups, Society
Psychology - Diagnostics
Social Studies (General)
Pedagogy - Pedagogic Psychology
Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies
Business economics - Supply, Production, Logistics
Psychology - General
Psychology - Miscellaneous
Literature - General
Computer Science - Technical Computer Science
Agrarian Studies
Sport - Sport Medicine, Therapy, Nutrition
Didactics - Mathematics
Psychology - Methods
Health - Public Health
Communications - Multimedia, Internet, New Technologies
History of Europe - Middle Ages, Early Modern Age
Film Science
American Studies - Literature
Psychology - Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Prevention
Speech Science / Linguistics
Economics - Case Scenarios
Politics - Topic: European Union
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Law - Comparative Legal Systems, Comparative Law
Psychology - Developmental Psychology
Psychology - Personality Psychology
Philosophy - Practical (Ethics, Aesthetics, Culture, Nature, Right,...
History - America
Computer Science - Miscellaneous
Psychology - Social Psychology
Pedagogy - Higher Education
Literature - Comparative Literature
Leadership and Human Resources - Employee Motivation, Employee Sati...
History - Miscellaneous
Mathematics - Statistics
Politics - General and Theories of International Politics
Business economics - Company formation, Business Plans
Economics - Monetary theory and policy
Leadership and Human Resources - Occupational burnout and stress at...
Law - Civil / Private, Trade, Anti Trust Law, Business Law
Computer Science - Software
Didactics for the subject German - Pedagogy, Linguistics
Pedagogy - Orthopaedagogy and Special Education
Philosophy - Theoretical (Realisation, Science, Logic, Language)
Business economics - Business Ethics, Corporate Ethics
Economics - Macro-economics, general
Psychology - Industrial and organizational psychology
Tourism - Miscellaneous
Politics - Political Theory and the History of Ideas Journal
Pedagogy - Miscellaneous Topics
Law - Public Law / Constitutional Law / Basic Rights
German Studies - Linguistics
Business economics - Operations Research
Didactics - Sport, Sport Pedagogy
Politics - Topic: International Organisations
Communications - Movies and Television
Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties
Computer Science - Internet, New Technologies
Biology - Micro- and Molecular Biology
Library Science, Information- / Documentation Science
Philosophy - Miscellaneous
Psychology - Cognition
Economics - International Economic Relations
Economics - Statistics and Methods
Economics - Other
Engineering - Computer Engineering
Health - Miscellaneous
Leadership and Human Resources - Leadership
Pedagogy - Job Education, Further Education
Pedagogy - Nursery Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education
Pedagogy - Theory of Science, Anthropology
Law - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject French - Applied Geography
Engineering - Civil Engineering
Theater Studies, Dance
Engineering - Industrial Engineering and Management
Business economics - Trade and Distribution
Didactics - Business economics, Economic Pedagogy
Sociology - Relationships and Family
Sport - Sport Economics, Sport Management
Politics - Region: Africa
Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights
Education - Reading Instruction
Art - History of Art
Leadership and Human Resources - Management Styles
Leadership and Human Resources - Recruiting
Business economics - Market research
Politics - Region: USA
Pedagogy - Adult Education
Pedagogy - Pedagogic Sociology
Pedagogy - The Teacher, Educational Leadership
Didactics for the subject German - German as a Foreign Language
Law - Civil / Private / Industrial / Labour
Business economics - Information Management
German Studies - Comparative Literature
Biology - Ecology
Sociology - Politics, Majorities, Minorities
Sociology - Miscellaneous
Theology - Miscellaneous
Gender Studies
Medicine - Pharmacology, Pharmacy
Medicine - Epidemiology
Literature - Latin America
Literature - Modern Literature
Leadership and Human Resources - Employer Branding
Politics - Miscellaneous
Law - Criminal process, Criminology, Law Enforcement
World History - Early and Ancient History
Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology
Biology - Diseases, Health, Nutrition
Biology - Botany
Sociology - Social System and Social Structure
Geography / Earth Science - Meteorology, Aeronomy, Climatology
Geography / Earth Science - Demographics, Urban Management, Planning
Geography / Earth Science - Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Envi...
Didactics - Spanish Studies
Interpreting / Translating
Politics - Environmental Policy
Medicine - Other
Engineering - General
Engineering - Chemical Engineering
Energy Sciences
Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous
Musicology - Miscellaneous
Health Sciences - Health Psychology
Communications - Research, Studies, Enquiries
Law - Philosophy, History and Sociology of Law
Law - Media, Multimedia Law, Copyright
Computer Science - Programming
Computer Science - Theory
Health - Nutritional Science
Biology - Miscellaneous
Sociology - General and Theoretical Directions
Sociology - Culture, Technology, Nations
Sociology - Media, Art, Music
Engineering - Automotive Engineering
Nursing Science - Nursing Management
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Philosophy - General Essays, Eras
Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy
Sport - Theory and Practice
Politics - Region: Near East, Near Orient
Art - Painting
Sociology - Economy and Industry
Economics - Economic Cycle and Growth
Economics - Job market economics
Computer Sciences - Artificial Intelligence
Engineering - Power Engineering
Engineering - Geotechnology
Politics - Topic: International relations
Nursing Science - Miscellaneous
History of Germany - National Socialism, World War II
Didactics - German Studies
Didactics for the subject French - Pedagogy, Literature Studies
English Language and Literature Studies - Other
English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geogr...
Business economics - Industrial Management
Sociology - Methodology and Methods
Sociology - Children and Youth
Sociology - Law and Delinquency
Engineering - Safety Engineering
Sport - Sport Psychology
Politics - Topic: Globalization, Political Economics
Politics - Methods, Research
Politics - Other International Politics Topics
Physics - Mechanics
Politics - Region: Western Europe
Communications - Media and Politics, Politic Communications
History of Europe - Modern Times, Absolutism, Industrialization
Didactics for the subject French - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject German - Literature, Works
Biology - Genetics / Gene Technology
Art - Architecture / History of Construction
Business economics - Law
Didactics - Politics, Political Education
Theology - Historic Theology, Ecclesiastical History
Philosophy - Philosophy of the Ancient World
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 19th Century
Communications - Intercultural Communication
Business economics - Economic and Social History
Politics - Topic: Development Politics
Politics - Political systems in general and in comparison
Mathematics - Analysis
Health - Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy
Transportation Science & Technology
Economy - Environment economics
Medicine - Dentistry
Engineering - Robotics
History of Europe - Ages of World Wars
Organisation and administration - Miscellaneous
Politics - Region: Other States
Food Technology
Law - Public Law / Miscellaneous
German Studies - Older German Literature, Medieval Studies
Didactics - Social Studies/ Civics
Biology - Human Biology
American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography
Pedagogy - Reform Pedagogics
Didactics - Computer Science
Psychology - Consulting and Therapy
Psychology - Biological Psychology
Theology - Systematic Theology
Geography / Earth Science - Geology, Mineralogy, Soil Science
Romance Studies - Miscellaneous
Business economics - Revision, Auditing
Politics - Region: Far East
Politics - Region: South Asia
Mathematics - Stochastics
French Studies - Miscellaneous
Art - Photography and Film
Biology - General, Basics
Sociology - Basics and General
Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy
Medicine - Neurology, Psychiatry, Addiction
Chemistry - Food Chemistry
Chemistry - Bio-chemistry
Physics - Nuclear Physics
Education - Educational Tests & Measurements
History - Africa
Veterinary medicine
Literature - Africa
Health - Sports science
Pedagogy - History of Pedagogy
Engineering - Aerospace Technology
Communications - Methods and Research Logic
Communications - Theories, Models, Terms and Definitions
Law - Tax / Fiscal Law
Greek / Old Greek
History of Germany - Postwar Period, Cold War
History of Germany - World War I, Weimar Republic
German Studies - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject English - Grammar, Style, Working Technique
Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works
Biology - Behaviour
Biology - Neurobiology
Biology - Evolution
Didactics - History
Didactics - Biolology
Psychology - Media Psychology
Geography / Earth Science - Economic Geography
Romance Studies - Portuguese Studies
Romance Studies - Comparative Studies
Sociology - Consumption and Advertising
Pedagogy - Intercultural Pedagogy
Guidebooks - Sports and Fitness
Politics - Basics and General
Medicine - Diagnostics
Medicine - Internal Medicine
Medicine - Surgery, Accident Medicine
Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry - Other
Computer Science - Bioinformatics
Greek Studies - Literature
Pedagogy - Social pedagogy
Health - Health system
Health - Stress management
Leadership and Human Resource - War for Talents
Business economics - Customer Relationship Management, CRM
Rhetoric / Elocution / Oratory
Russian / Slavic Languages
Pedagogy - Family Education
Communications - Journalism, Journalism Professions
Law - Civil / Private / Family Law / Law of Succession
Law - Civil / Private / Law of Obligation / Property Law
Computer Science - General
Tourism - Hotel Industry / Catering
German Studies - Genres
Didactics for the subject French - Discussion and Essays
Didactics for the subject French - Grammar, Style, Working Technique
Forestry / Forestry Economics
Didactics for the subject English - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject English - Discussion and Essays
Design (Industry, Graphics, Fashion)
Didactics for the subject German - Grammar, Style, Working Technique
American Studies - Miscellaneous
American Studies - Linguistics
Materials Science
Theology - Religion (For Pre-University Students)
Didactics - Theology, Religion Pedagogy
Didactics - Geography
Romance Studies - Catalan Studies
Romance Studies - Other Languages
Romance Studies - Didactics
Romance Studies - Interdisciplinary
Sociology - War and Peace, Military
Sport - Miscellaneous
Sport - Sport History
Instructor Plans: Agriculture / Forestry / Gardening
Politics - History of Political Systems
Politics - Political Systems - Germany
Communications - Specialized communication
Mathematics - Applied Mathematics
Art - Art Theory, General
Art - Graphics / Illustration / Print
Art - Overall Considerations
Sociology - Medicine and Health
Medicine - Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science - IT-Security
Guidebooks - School, Education, Pedagogy
Health - Gerontology
Economics - Micro-economics
Economics - Innovation economics
Economy - Health Economics
Medicine - General
Medicine - Anatomy, Physiology, Cytology
Medicine - Therapy
Medicine - Gynecology, Andrology
Medicine - Pediatrics
Medicine - Dermatology
Chemistry - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Chemistry - Anorganic Chemistry
Chemistry - Materials Chemistry
Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
Physics - Theoretical Physics
Physics - Acoustics
Physics - Astronomy
Didactics - Physics
Engineering - Naval Engineering, Ocean Engineering
History of Europe - European Postwar Period
Communications - Technical Communication
Cultural Studies - European Studies
Cultural Studies - Empiric Cultural Studies
Physics - Experimental Physics
Latin philology - Medivial and Modern Latin
Didactics - Ethics
Didactics - E-Learning
Musicology - Systematic musicology
Health - Nursing Science
Health - Fitness and Health Management
Health - Children and adolescents
Tourism - Hotel Management
Environmental Sciences - Sustainability
Scandinavian Languages
Politics - Region: Russia
Politics - Topic: German Foreign Policy
Pedagogy / Educational Science
Orientalism / Sinology - Japanology
Orientalism / Sinology - Indonesian
Orientalism / Sinology - Chinese / China
Nautical Science
Engineering - Metal Engineering, Metal Processing, Metal Structure
Communications - Print Media, Press
Law - Penology
Law - Public Law / Administrative Law
History of Europe - Newer History, European Unification
German Studies - Semiotics, Pragmatics, Semantics
History of Germany - 1848, Empire, Imperialism
Didactics for the subject French - History of Literature, Eras
Didactics for the subject English - Applied Geography
Didactics for the subject German - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject German - Discussion and Essays
Biology - Zoology
English Language and Literature Studies - Comparative Literature
American Studies - Comparative Literature
Business economics
Sociology - Habitation and Urban Sociology
Sociology - Religion
Psychology - Adjacent Fields and Auxiliary Sciences
Psychology - Psychology of Religion
Psychology - Forensic Psychology and Penal System
Theology - Biblical Theology
Theology - Practical Theology
Theology - Comparative Religion Studies
Geography / Earth Science - Cartography, Geographic Information Sci...
Geography / Earth Science - Regional Geography
Philosophy - Philosophy of the Middle Ages (approx. 500-1350)
Philosophy - Early Modern Philosophy (approx. 1350-1600)
Engineering - Communication Technology
Sport - Sport Sociology
Communications - Media Economics, Media Management
Dutch (Literature, Culture and Language)
Instructor Plans: Natural Sciences and Technology
Politics - Region: Southeastern Europe
Politics - Region: Eastern Europe
Politics - Topic: History of Inernational Relations
Mathematics - Algebra
Mathematics - Geometry
Mathematics - Number Theory
Pedagogy - Art education
Communications - Ethics in the Media
Sociology - Communication
Instructor Plans: Craft / Production / Trade - Metal and Plastic Pr...
Urban and Regional Planning
Earth Science / Geography - Geopolitics
Mathematics - General, Basics
Earth Science / Geography - General, Basics
Asian studies
Medicine - Alternative Medicine
Economics - Industrial Economics
Economy - Theory of Competition, Competition Policy
Economy - Transport Economics
Economics - History
Medicine - Pathology
Medicine - Human Genetics
Medicine - Otolaryngology
Medicine - Hospital Environment, Clinical Medicine
Physics - General
Didactics - Chemistry
Medicine - Medical Frontiers and Special Areas
Nature Protection, Landscape Conservation
Art - Visual artists
Engineering - System Science
Didactics - Home Economics
History - Basics
World History - Antiquity
History - Australia, Oceania
Pedagogy - Gifted Education
Physics - Biophysics
Literature - Medieval Literature
Biology - Physiology
Literature - Carribean
Physics - Applied physics
Literature - Romance Literature
Cultural Studies - Caribbean Studies
Cultural Studies - Basics and Definitions
World History - Modern History
Physics - Thermodynamics
Didactics - Latin
Classic Philology - Other
Organisation and administration - Disaster control
Philosophy - Philosophy of the present
Pedagogy - Inclusion
Musicology - Historical musicology
Musicology - Popular music
Organisation and administration - Public administration
Computer Sciences - Industry 4.0
Computer Sciences - Internet of Things, IOT
Health Sciences - Health education
Nursing Science - Geriatric Care
Nursing Science - Acute care
Nursing Science - Nursing crisis
Nursing Science - Dementia
Business economics - Corporate communication
Business economics - Organization
African Studies - Culture and Applied Geography
African Studies - Linguistics
African Studies - Miscellaneous
Business economics - Project Management
Tourism - Event management
Environmental Sciences - Climate and environmental protection
Business economics - E-Commerce
Leadership and Human Resources - Coaching
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y-balance test
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Sportrehabilitation für Grappler & Judo-Ka
Return to Competition bei einem BJJ & Judo Sportler nach ACL-R
Alexander Mikus (Author)
Term Paper , 2022 , Grade: A
US$ 6.99
Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Arbeitszeitmodelle auf die Work-Life-Balance der Generation Y
Elisa Birke (Author)
Seminar Paper , 2018 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 16.99
Work Life Balance. Vergleich zwischen unterschiedlichen Generationen
Frank Meyer (Author)
Term Paper , 2018 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 20.99
Actividades digitales asincrónicas escritas, construcción del conocimiento y formalización del lenguaje en futuros docentes de Educación Básica
Fernando Tarifeño Rubiltar (Author)
Diploma Thesis , 2013
US$ 38.99
Conversaciones con Landru - Análisis de una Máquina de Turing en
Theresa Marx (Author)
Term Paper , 2010 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 6.99
Kritische Diskussion der Work-Life-Balance. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen im Spannungsfeld von eigenen Bemühungen und betrieblichen Angeboten in Literatur und Praxis
Juan Ruiz de Bustillo Ohngemach (Author)
Term Paper , 2016
US$ 17.99
Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen der Generation Y und älteren Generationen?
Empirische Studie mit Schwerpunkt "Einstellung zur Work-Life-Balance"
Alexandra Freudigmann (Author)
Term Paper , 2016 , Grade: 2,3
US$ 14.99
La adopción de la sección 17 NIIF para Pymes en su rubro de propiedad planta y equipo a primero de Enero del año 2015
Jerson Leandro Molina Toro (Author)
Master's Thesis , 2014 , Grade: 4,8
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Intervening Factors among Grade 10 Students’ Level of Critical Thinking Skills
Russel Moreno (Author)
Mariz D. Braza (Author)
Roly Duane R. De Villa (Author)
Kurt Matthew L. Refugido (Author)
Bachelor Thesis , 2016 , Grade: 1.0
US$ 16.99
Fallas del Mercado como Principal Obstáculo para el Crecimiento Económico de México
Análisis basado en los estudios de Haussman y Rodrik
Grace He (Author)
Case Study , 2017
US$ 17.99
Caracterización experimental y Modelado del Canal de Propagación inalámbrico A 5.8 GHZ en entornos marinos
José Carlos Reyes Guerrero (Author)
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation , 2013 , Grade: Apto Cum Laude
US$ 42.99
Los Landesbanken de Alemania (Die deutschen Landesbanken)
Thomas Reicks (Author)
Presentation (Elaboration) , 2005 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 17.99
Modelo de Gestión Balanced Scorecard para mejorar la calidad de servicio de atención al cliente
Christian Martel (Author)
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation , 2014
US$ 0.99
Aplicación de un procedimiento para evaluar la eficiencia en el proceso de explotación según el consumo de combustible de las cosechadoras de caña KTP- 2M
Jesús Fonseca Anazco (Author)
MSc. Osmany Aguilera Almaguer (Editor) (Author)
Scientific Study , 2011 , Grade: Excelente
US$ 20.99
Síndrome de enfermedad celíaca, calcificaciones cerebrales y epilepsia
Emiliano Maybisher (Author)
Seminar Paper , 2018 , Grade: 0
US$ 0.99
Econometric Model of the US Barley Export Demand
Yosef Alamri (Author)
Academic Paper , 2018 , Grade: PHD
US$ 6.99
Recruiting und Mitarbeiterbindung durch Zeitwertkonto? Inwiefern trägt es zur Attraktivität des Arbeitsplatzes bei?
Stefan Gebhardt (Author)
Term Paper , 2022 , Grade: 1,6
US$ 16.99
Work-Life-Balance aus ökonomischer und gesundheitsbezogener Perspektive
Anonym (Author)
Research Paper (undergraduate) , 2022 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 16.99
Laura Klöpping (Author)
Term Paper , 2011 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 16.99
Gaining lean body mass while in a caloric deficit. A short analysis
Nicolai Hepp (Author)
Term Paper , 2018 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 6.99
Ökonometrische Methoden der empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung
Matthias Phul (Author)
Lecture Notes , 2013 , Grade: unbenotet
US$ 3.99
Work-Life-Balance-Maßnahmen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter
Anonym (Author)
Term Paper , 2019 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 16.99
Trainingslehre 2. Trainingsplanung für das Ausdauertraining. Leistungsdiagnostik, Zielsetzung, Trainingsplanung Mesozyklus, Literaturrecherche
Eduard Penner (Author)
Term Paper , 2014 , Grade: 1,4
US$ 14.99
Modelle der Work-Life-Balance im Film "Ein ganzes halbes Jahr". Das Lebensmodell und das Heuristische Modell der vier Tätigkeitsdimensionen
Annkatrin Falke (Author)
Term Paper , 2019 , Grade: 2,3
US$ 6.99
Usability Test of Web Site
Jekaterina Novikova (Author)
Research Paper (undergraduate) , 2009 , Grade: VG
US$ 0.99